How many here let their dogs/pets sleep in their bed with them?

I have four cats and no bedroom door, like I get a choice on if they sleep with me, lol. Our dog gets kenneled at night and isn't allowed on the furniture during the day, though if hubby had his way she would be allowed on the bed at night. I am already pinned down by massive amounts of purring fur, there just isn't room and the cats don't smell as bad.
Whiskey is so fat I don't think he could catch anything. He weighs 17lbs and the dog weighs all of 8 lbs. When the cat breaks out in a fast walk his stomach swings back & forth it's so funny. I don't free feed either he gets a 1 cup of food a day. My first cat of 16 years died a few years ago and I can't seem to like them anymore. Whiskey is a good cat but thank heaven he is declawed. He would have my furniture & wood work tore up. The dog likes him as much as my daughter. My hubby doesn't care much for the cat either but he does like the dog. Our outdoor cat is one of the best he has personality.
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Now I don't see a problem here at all. I'd tell my husband that either the cat sleeps in the house, or he can join the cat out in the garage!
No, our 2 dogs share a dog bed on the floor at the foot of the bed. Let's just say that hot flashes don't mix well with 2 long-haired dogs that are fur-covered hot water bottles! DH & I have a 12 year-old Havanese and a 9 month-old Coton de Tulear.
A very long time ago, my sheltie slept with us. She's soooo spoiled. But, I too got tired of the hair in my bed....gross! So off she went. Got her a nice big dog bed for her to sleep on. And, Dakota, who we got several years later, the Keeshound, sleeps on the floor also. Two hairy dogs, it's bad enough to clean the floors after them. Sure don't want that in my bed. Cats got booted out to the heated garage with lots of beds to sleep in. I know, I'm a mean mommy!! But... I shoveled the chicken run this morning so they can come out and play! So, not as mean as you all first thought!
I have one short haired dog who just loves to sleep under the covers with me. The only problem is I have a down comforter and about half way through the night she gets really hot and jumps up and trys to get out of the comforter . but, the comforter is thick and heavy so she has a terrible time and usually wakes me up and/or the comforter falls off the bed.

the other dog also has short hair but she is very dominant minded so she sleeps in a house kennel for now.
When my DH is away from home I have at least 2 Dobes on the bed on top of the covers every night. When DH is home the Dobes sleep near us on dog beds in the bedroom or on the couch in the living room. I keep everything covered with blankets and wash them several times a week. The house looks and smells clean and our Dobes are comfy. There are no dominance issues since all 4 know that my DH and I are alphas. BTW, Kassia will be 10 yrs old this week, Kaiser will be 10 in March and Kallie will be 10 this summer. The baby Kory is 1 1/2 yrs. I love having the Dobes to snuggle with when DH is away.
Well my precious Tiny-baby passed away about a year ago:(!! She went every where her mama went. If I went to the bathroom well she came with and sit beside me on the floor, If I took a shower then she layed on the side of the tub untile I was done. When I went to bed then she went to bed. It was alway's funny, she would start off laying out from under the cover for just a few min. She would finally take her little paw and scratch at the cover untile she got it pulled back far enough she could get her little fat body under it and to the bend of my knees she went and that is where she stayed untile the next morning.
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