how many of you dose your chicks with h2o2? hydrogen peroxide?

My point is that it ends up with higher levels of oxygen in your blood, which cures/treats/prevents/helps a variety of things. All cancer is, for example, is cells that didn't get enough oxygen and began to ferment sugar for energy instead. (aerobic and anaerobic)
You might end up with higher levels of oxygen in your stomach if you swallowed it... right before you vomit, if you've taken enough to make a difference. If your lungs work, you're getting plenty of oxygen. Really.
I was recently told you can give a dog that ate smethng poisonous a mixture of half h2o2 and 1/2 water to make them throw up. They were speaking of the standard drugstore 3% grade.

But using h2o2 therapeutically is completely different. A rather small portion is mixed with water and I acts by oxidizing pathogens in the blood. I haven't read the links provided in this thread yet, but imagine they explain how it works.

I don't know this could just be mixed in water for pets, as I believe the extra oxygen is rather unstable and the drinking water would rather quickly become just water after the oxygen is released. It would kill any pathogens that were in the water itself though, I would think.

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