How many years did your Ameraucanas lay for?


5 Years
Apr 2, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Hi All,

Curious about the egg laying longevity of true Ameraucanas NOT Easter eggers. I have 6 of them and had a few general questions for experienced Ameraucana owners:

I've heard they don't start laying until 25+ weeks or so, true?

How many years do they typically stay laying?

How many eggs per week does one bird on average lay?

How long on average do they live for?

Anything else I should know?
If they're true ameraucana then they'll usually start laying anywhere from 20 weeks and up, I have some who are 5 yrs old and still lay 1 to 3 eggs a week depending on the hen, in the first 2 yrs mine laid about 5-6 eggs a week, third year 4-5 a week, I have some who are 7 yrs old, still lay the occasional egg but not often. It all depends on the bird in general. They're very cold hardy so they winter fine, and their egg colors have a wide range of shades in blue, some appearing to have a more greenish tinge than others. Most of mine have always been flighty regardless of how often they were handled.
Thanks very much for that info, mine are true Ameraucanas from a breeder. I've heard they are pretty flighty but mine seem to really like me. They follow me everywhere, call for me always right before they go in the coop at night and right when they wake up in the morning. Makes me laugh.

If I pick one up they will happily sit on my lap and let me pat them for however long. And they love my dogs, so I'm very happy with them.

I have a d'uccle bantam and a brahma bantam that are more weary of me then they are. Weird.

They are more of a medium sized chicken correct? Not really on the larger scale?

If they're true ameraucana then they'll usually start laying anywhere from 20 weeks and up, I have some who are 5 yrs old and still lay 1 to 3 eggs a week depending on the hen, in the first 2 yrs mine laid about 5-6 eggs a week, third year 4-5 a week, I have some who are 7 yrs old, still lay the occasional egg but not often. It all depends on the bird in general. They're very cold hardy so they winter fine, and their egg colors have a wide range of shades in blue, some appearing to have a more greenish tinge than others. Most of mine have always been flighty regardless of how often they were handled.
If they're true ameraucana then they'll usually start laying anywhere from 20 weeks and up, I have some who are 5 yrs old and still lay 1 to 3 eggs a week depending on the hen, in the first 2 yrs mine laid about 5-6 eggs a week, third year 4-5 a week, I have some who are 7 yrs old, still lay the occasional egg but not often. It all depends on the bird in general. They're very cold hardy so they winter fine, and their egg colors have a wide range of shades in blue, some appearing to have a more greenish tinge than others. Most of mine have always been flighty regardless of how often they were handled.
Thank you, helpful to know.

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