how often do i need to clean??

Depends on what kinda coop you have, how many chickens, do they have an outdoor run, or free range, what kinda bedding, do you do the deep litter method? Lots of variables.
okay, well i don't have the chickens yet but will be getting them next week. they will have a outdoor run but cause the ground is frozen i can't get steel stakes in to the ground so olny a small one for now. but in the summer i hope to have a very large one built. i will have 12 to 16 hans and wondered how often to clean out the coop.
With that many chickens and set up deep litter is the best way to go. I've read anywhere from 6 to 12 inches. Mine's about 6 inches of pine shavings -very cheep because the bags expand when you open. I rake it up to fluff it once a week, and whenever it starts looking flat I add another bag. You only have to completely remove and replace it once a year in the spring. It's pretty much a compost pile, and in winter it will add extra heat in the coop. You'd be amazed at how clean it keeps things.
I have a few coops. I've had 20 birds in my 8'x10' coop and give it a daily pick up under the roosts every morning after I let the birds out. I use pine shavings also. If I were to leave these shavings in there, adding more up until cleaning once a year, it would be a dusty environment with mites. I do a cleaning once every three months, removing all old shavings from floor and nests, shop vac the whole coop, spray Oxine disinfectant, let dry, then spray a good coat of Gardstar or Ravap over roosts, nests, walls, floor, cracks, and crevices. After it dries and new shavings are added, the birds are allowed back in the coop. Since I started this program years ago, I never have mite or louse infestations or coughing birds.
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I use hay as bedding, and I plan on shoveling out the straw once a season, hose down the coop and then put new straw in. I am new to this, so am still on my first straw...The coop is 18x20 ft and I only have 10 chickens right now, and they all free range all day unless it is raining, and sometimes even then, but they stand under things. Lol. Chickens do not like the rain. At least mine don't. I am planning on adding 30 more chickens before the warm weather is then we will see how it all goes. I feel like the coop and straw the way it is might be able to go forever..Lol. Still smells more like hay, then like chickens.
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