How often do you feed your chickens?

I keep the food in the coops, so no invited guests eat it. Feed scratch in the common area in the morning and they free range in the yard during the day. I have 10 birds and go through roughly 50lbs a month. I think the 4 foot black snake and the feral cats keep the rodent population under control around my yard.
I keep the food in the coops, so no invited guests eat it. Feed scratch in the common area in the morning and they free range in the yard during the day. I have 10 birds and go through roughly 50lbs a month. I think the 4 foot black snake and the feral cats keep the rodent population under control around my yard.
Are you calling my chickens fat? ;}
Was wondering how often do you feed your chickens? Mine are free range and up at night so I leave 2 buckets out of feed and water daily for them and 1 in chicken run. I also have a 30 pound goose that eats the same food. I feel like I’m going through sooo much food a bag every week and half and it’s little on the expensive side.. do I cut back on feeding? Or should I only feed mornings and evenings?
I would say if there free ranging that you shouldn't have to feed them as much. I let mine free range 3 times a week. I just feed mine when there feeders become nearly empty.
Once a day, 1/2 cup per chicken. they will get overweight if they have access to food 24/7 above 6 months of age.
So far, at two years old, mine are not overweight. They eat when they’re hungry, but don’t eat a lot except first thing in the morning and again before bedtime. They have two Grandpa’s Feeders for eight hens.
I ferment a grain mix and dry weight (before fermentation) of 1 oz per bird once in the morning and once in the evening. They also have a large pen.
I have my birds in a very large fenced in area. They share with goats. As goats love chicken food we cant leave it in feeders or the goats would hog it down and get very sick. We feed everyone twice a day, morning and evening. We have a designated place where we toss the chicken pellets on the ground. They snack all day and the goats wont eat it off the ground. We do the same in the evening. Our babies and tweens have food all the time as we dont have to worry about the goats.
Everybody situation is different. I just moved in April and it seems like I am going through a lot of food. I had a handy man make me a treadle feeder. Great! the sparrows aren't getting fat on chicken feed. I have seen mice and rats outside so treadle feeder is the way to go. I have also started feeding wet food because I read that it helps them to eat less. They pasture range, I frost seeded the new run in March and yes I have three different kinds of clover that the chickens love. I also feed selective tables scraps this week it was watermelon rind. I am also selling some chickens because just maybe 36 is to many.:idunno
We are in the middle of the woods, so I use Grandpa’s Feeders for my eight hens. It works out really well as they can eat when they’re hungry, it’s less mess, and attracts fewer mice. The initial cost was well worth it, especially since I got both feeders for the price of one! Grandpa, it seems, has a few scratch and dent models in the back of the warehouse. If you call and ask, they’re happy to sell them at a discounted price. View attachment 2056863
(And yes, I’m a sucker... On the really cold mornings, I’ll throw some chow in the pan too. Then sit and watch some chicken tv!)
Chicken TV....that's what my husband and I watch all the time :) thought we were the only ones

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