How old did your cockerel crow?


Rounding up cockerels
Premium Feather Member
Feb 21, 2023
I have had more than a few cockerels but my little boy Ebbie crowed at about 4 weeks!!! I was surprised he crowed so young! How old were your cockerels when they first crowed? You don’t have to have the exact age just roughly.
I just took this picture of him a few days ago. Now that he is about 6 weeks he loves to crow all day! 😂
One Silkie I had started crowing at 3 weeks old. He was just joining in with the howling dogs who taught the behavior when my husband arrived home from work every morning.

A Brahma that a friend had.. was clearly a cockerel within a very large mixed gender and species flock.. didn't make his first crowing sound until 18 months old!

The following quote taken from another thread..
My youngest crowers were my silkied Red Cochin bantam boys that would first announce their manhood at 3 or 4 days old. Yes, days. :th

I've also had laying hens that crow.. not pullets yet. They usually sound very pathetic and similar to the early crows of the fellas.
I had one crow at 1-2 weeks...had heard of this happening and had a hard time believing it until I witnessed one of mine doing it.
Most of the ones here started around 3-4 months, right before they met the freezer.
One Silkie I had started crowing at 3 weeks old. He was just joining in with the howling dogs who taught the behavior when my husband arrived home from work every morning.

A Brahma that a friend had.. was clearly a cockerel within a very large mixed gender and species flock.. didn't make his first crowing sound until 18 months old!

The following quote taken from another thread..

I've also had laying hens that crow.. not pullets yet. They usually sound very pathetic and similar to the early crows of the fellas.
That’s crazy!
I had one crow at 1-2 weeks...had heard of this happening and had a hard time believing it until I witnessed one of mine doing it.
Most of the ones here started around 3-4 months, right before they met the freezer.
That’s really young!
One of my cockerels started crowing at five weeks, the others didn’t start till later. One of them didn’t crow at all before he was dinner, at about five months. I know someone on here has posted a video of their chick crowing at less than a week old, I’ll have to see if I can find it. It’s adorable.

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