How old is this chick?


Jun 20, 2024
Hello everyone. I got a call from daughter that her friend found this beautiful chick stranded. It was alone. We picked it up yesterday evening and are trying to take care of it. I tried feeding it mealworm and all flock feed crushed up and it did eat a tiny bit (ate all the worms) and I placed it's beak into the water to drink and drank. Chick is sleeping a lot. however I am wondering if I should be extremely concerned about the eating since they say in the first 24 or 48 hours theu still receive nutrients from yolk so likely won't eat or drink. I have no idea how old this chick is. Her balance if a little off at times. She wobbles sometimes which I'm thinking is normal if she was just newborn. I'm keeping her inside in a bin with red heat light, food and water and she slept most of the night. She isn't chirping so I'm thinking she is comfy and warm. The temp around her is like 94 95 average.

Please provide some feedback. I want her to thrive but have no experience raising chicken chicks. I am familiar with other birds just not chicken. Also, I do have my own small flock. Thank you in advance.
Thank you so much. I really needed to hear that. I am trying to make sure she thrives, but was worried also. I really appreciate your reply. I'll just be patient and continue to support her
Sounds good! The brooder temp and her food sounds good as well. Keep us updated!
I am planning on keeping her hoping it's actually a her. I have a broody hen who has been sitting on 5 eggs from other hens since 2/5. She is a red pyle old english bantam and insisted on wanting to be a mom so I let her. This is the first time ever so I am new to raising chicks in the future. I am hoping once these hatch in the next week and a half that they would be of similar age and can possibly be integrated to the flock once old enough (altogether). I am not sure how it is going to work out but that's my plan so that is why I didn't want to get any more chicks for now (but yes I've though of it :(. I know they are social and do best with others. Also, I am not sure if my broody will take this one in after others hatch. Honestly, I am taking it one day at a time and definitely wouldn't put this chick in harms way. But let's see! If you have any tips I am thankful to receive. Look at my beautiful broody :)
I am planning on keeping her hoping it's actually a her. I have a broody hen who has been sitting on 5 eggs from other hens since 2/5. She is a red pyle old english bantam and insisted on wanting to be a mom so I let her. This is the first time ever so I am new to raising chicks in the future. I am hoping once these hatch in the next week and a half that they would be of similar age and can possibly be integrated to the flock once old enough (altogether). I am not sure how it is going to work out but that's my plan so that is why I didn't want to get any more chicks for now (but yes I've though of it :(. I know they are social and do best with others. Also, I am not sure if my broody will take this one in after others hatch. Honestly, I am taking it one day at a time and definitely wouldn't put this chick in harms way. But let's see! If you have any tips I am thankful to receive. Look at my beautiful broody :)View attachment 4051395
I’m sure you’ll do great! Hopefully all your hen’s eggs hatch!
Update on my baby. She is eating, drinking, and pooping as expected. She runs, jumps, and even does front flips. She is supper energetic and even tries to fly. She was even eating the ants on the grass. I'm happy everything is going well.

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