How old is your Cockatiel?


11 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Maine ~ 4 chicken years
Hello everyone, I have heard that Cockatiels can live up to 25 years old. I have a cockatiel that's 17 years old. How old is the oldest cockatiel, does anyone know?
I have 2 hens, Gabriella (Gabi) hatched in June-ish of 2003. I've had her since September 2003.
Willow hatched March 13th 2008, I've had her since July of 2008 :)
My cockatiel Henry hatched around June 2007, meaning he's coming up on his 5th birthday. I know that's not as impressive as a 23 year old, but I first started coming home to him when I was still in high school, and now I'm getting married and bringing him with me. Time sure flies; I have pictures of him sitting in my hand at just a couple days old. I hope he lives as long as the cockatiels you guys have; he's a great little buddy.
My childhood pet cockatiel lived to be 'at least' 26 years old. She was an adult when I got her, so her true age is unknown... but she was over 26.
Mine was around six months old when I bought him in October 2007 (I bought him at PetSmart, which I won't be doing the next time I buy a bird), so I suppose it's his fifth birthday this month!
Currently in his coconut toy contentedly saying, "blur" every so often.
Our Papa Bird was hatched around October/November 1988. So that makes him 23! He's been with my husband since the beginning of 1989. He's a very cool bird! We also have Sassy who joined our family in July 2005. Her name says it all

Papa is on the left and Sassy is on the right.

My birds name was Topper and he was 31 years old. I had my first longer than my kids, my eldest is 27. He passed away yesterday. I will love him forever. #birdlove #peaceandlove #peacedarla

My birds name was Topper and he was 31 years old. I had my first longer than my kids, my eldest is 27. He passed away yesterday. I will love him forever. #birdlove #peaceandlove #peacedarla
Oh I am so sorry for your loss!!
It is never easy to lose them. Especially when they have been with you as long as your Topper. I hope your heavy heart heals soon.

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