how to apply blukote- cute pictures!!!

Easy, just open the lid and using the attached brush apply it to the wounds,

Be sure and get lots on your hands too. All us pro's do.

It'll wear off in around a week.

You probably have the dobber form and I just recently had a rooster fight and had to deal with it so I would suggest taking a q-tip and rub it on the bigger one for more control : WARNING: do this outside we did this in our bath room and he shook his head and it went EVERYWHERE!!! Also use clothes you can get dirty cuz it stains BAD. Good luck and hope to here a good report when he gets better!!
Poor roo. What happened? Just to be clear, BluKote is not something you inject, it is applied to the skin. Clean any dirt out of the cuts first. So dabber or Q-tip would be fine. The dabber might get more on him than you want. He might get picked on if he looks too weird to the other birds. Q-tip would be more precise, but remember BlueKote will stain things it gets on (in my world, an open bottle of the stuff is a spill waiting to happen!).
well his ring of white feathers have purple stains all over them!! He may be injured but he sure doesn't know it.

Also I'll take a picture of his foot tomorrow but I think it has a sore because theres a small pink spot and when his feet were cold it was hot. What could him or do I just have to let it heal on his own?

Oh and if theres no dirt in the wounds is it OK if theres blood because I can't get all the blood of his comb, and hes so behaved I could cover his entire face with it and make him a purple chickie
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I'm no expert, but I would soak his feet in warm soapy water, dry, and apply BluKote to the spot, if it is an open sore, it should be covered if he is running around in dirt/poop. If it worsens, you may need an antibiotic. His comb should be all right. Give him a healthy treat and let him rest and heal for the night.

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