We have 17 hens (1.5 years old) and 1 silkie rooster (also 1.5 years old). We redid our coop, added another coop and expanded the chicken run this summer. We ordered 15 chicks (6 straight run buff Brahma - hoping at least 1 is a roo, 5 light Brahma pullets, and 4 black jersey pullets) at the end of August. I am wondering when we can combine them all together and how to go about that process. Should we keep them separated until the chicks (roughly 8 weeks currently) start laying? If we can do it now, what kind of food should we buy? We are currently buying our layers Layer food and the chicks the chick starter food, but if we combine them and set the food out we wouldn’t really have control over whether or not the chicks eat the layer food or the layers eat the chick starter food.