May 21, 2022
I am currently trying to figure out how to feed my mixed flock.

I have:
2- 8wk Turkeys
6- 14wk Orpington (3 hens/3roos)
2- 12wk Cochin (hens)
2- 11wk Runner ducks
2- 10wk Rouen ducks
8- 9wk Cochin (hens)
6- 4-5wk Assorted chicks

My Orpingtons are close to egg time. In fact one gave us the egg song the other night but no egg. Lol

I have been feeding All Flock to the oldest & ducks.
Turkeys eat AF during day & have Gamebird for evening, but that’s only till we finish it.
I switched my 9wks over to AF last night.

How am I to feed the Orp girls when they start laying, Layer feed so that the Roos & others don’t get? (Same with Oyster shells too.)

Does my one (maybe) 2 female ducks need layer feed later on also?
I usually recommend that the typical backyard owner, of the typical backyard flock, with typical backyard management practices feed an All Flock/Flock Raiser* type crumble to all their birds, all their lives, with free choice grit, osyter shell, and fresh clean water available at all times in seperate dishes. Without regard to age, gender, onset of of lay, condition of molt, etc.

*Essentially an 18-20% protein, 3.5% fat+/-, 1.5% calcium +/-, 3.5% fiber +/- feed, preferably with about .6% Phosphorus, at least .35% Methionine, and .7% Lysine.

Because its easy for you, and its good nutrition for them.

All of my adult birds - chickens and ducks - get exactly the same feed, which happens to be 20% protein. I feed my youngsters a higher protein mix for their first 6-8 weeks (basically, until they join the adult flock) as I have facilites to separate the flocks. My reasons for that are complicated, its not something I recommend for everyone. But All Flock, all the time, for all the birds of all the genders is a safe and easy way to raise chickens, ducks, geese. Doing something different has limited benefits in limited conditions, and should only be considered after weighing all practical options.

My flock is in my Sig, below. You can see the results of me feed regimen here.

/edit and because you have ducks, consider supplimenting niacin, by mixing it into the feed if your ducks aren't kept seperately. The extra niacin won't hurt the other species, but a lack of it is definitely hard on the ducks. All Flock is "supposed" to contain enough niacin for adult ducks, and niacin appears on the list of ingredients, but what the actual level of Niacin is, in mg/kg??? Not on the Nutrition Label.

Grinding and adding bulk bottles of niacin suppliment for humans likely much cheaper than nutritional yeast, at scale. I use nutritional yeast just for my hatchlings (because they are fed seperately).
Completely agree with the allflock with the side oyster shells.

On a side note, I assume your ducks are all female? Or if you do have drakes, I assume you are aware of the risks associated with mixing them in non-ducks?
I usually recommend that the typical backyard owner, of the typical backyard flock, with typical backyard management practices feed an All Flock/Flock Raiser* type crumble to all their birds, all their lives, with free choice grit, osyter shell, and fresh clean water available at all times in seperate dishes. Without regard to age, gender, onset of of lay, condition of molt, etc.

*Essentially an 18-20% protein, 3.5% fat+/-, 1.5% calcium +/-, 3.5% fiber +/- feed, preferably with about .6% Phosphorus, at least .35% Methionine, and .7% Lysine.

Because its easy for you, and its good nutrition for them.

All of my adult birds - chickens and ducks - get exactly the same feed, which happens to be 20% protein. I feed my youngsters a higher protein mix for their first 6-8 weeks (basically, until they join the adult flock) as I have facilites to separate the flocks. My reasons for that are complicated, its not something I recommend for everyone. But All Flock, all the time, for all the birds of all the genders is a safe and easy way to raise chickens, ducks, geese. Doing something different has limited benefits in limited conditions, and should only be considered after weighing all practical options.

My flock is in my Sig, below. You can see the results of me feed regimen here.

/edit and because you have ducks, consider supplimenting niacin, by mixing it into the feed if your ducks aren't kept seperately. The extra niacin won't hurt the other species, but a lack of it is definitely hard on the ducks. All Flock is "supposed" to contain enough niacin for adult ducks, and niacin appears on the list of ingredients, but what the actual level of Niacin is, in mg/kg??? Not on the Nutrition Label.

Grinding and adding bulk bottles of niacin suppliment for humans likely much cheaper than nutritional yeast, at scale. I use nutritional yeast just for my hatchlings (because they are fed seperately).
Is it okay to offer oyster now? I’ve gotten mixed info on that. (Been told to wait till laying.)
Completely agree with the allflock with the side oyster shells.

On a side note, I assume your ducks are all female? Or if you do have drakes, I assume you are aware of the risks associated with mixing them in non-ducks?
No; sadly I think I have a pair for each breed. (Hoping it’s not 3 drakes.) My Rouens are difficult to tell.
Risk being they can harm chickens? Yes.

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