How to get rid of mites?!?!?!

Pampered chicken girl

🎃🍁Ready for fall🍁🎃
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I have had a ongoing mite problem with my chickens. One of my Pullets had it severely and I treated it to a point where it was down greatly but she still had it. It looks like all of my chickens have some amount of mites some more than others. I've been treating with poultry protector spray in their poop and run but I've been doing this for months with little Improvement. Is there anything I can put in their dust bath to treat them all
P.S.I don't want to use de or perthium with my chickens
Do you understand that mites can actually KILL chickens?
Yes I do understand! They might problem is not severe right now the problem is I haven't been able to get rid of it. My personal preference is I don't like Permethrin
You've been using the same spray for 3 months and haven't gotten rid of the mites yet?
Yes that's correct well sorta, it has worked to reduce the might population but not eradicate the problem Plus I haven't been able to catch every single chicken and spray their whole body with it
Yes that's correct well sorta, it has worked to reduce the might population but not eradicate the problem Plus I haven't been able to catch every single chicken and spray their whole body with it
Mites reproduce quickly.
You can't skimp when trying to get rid of them.
I highly recommend getting a permethrin product and treating everyone at the same time.

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