How to help feathers regrow


Apr 8, 2023
Two of my buff orpingtons backs, sides, and head had been basically plucked clean almost and I'm trying to encourage new feather growth.

I had gotten a mating saddle (idk if those are consaverial but they are the only way I've seen that protect birds backs) for them and I haven't seen any new growth or very small growth. My mom had been putting ointment on their backs when I had told her no. Unsurprisingly no growth happened and I had to clean their backs off and I feel like that stunned feather growth.

The weather for me in NY isn't cold but it has been getting to mid to low 40s. I know they won't freeze to death but I didn't sign up for chickens to look like they are not even half way ready to be cooked.

Any and all suggestions are helpful. If this post is supposed to be in a different place just tell me and I'll repost it to the correct area.
When my 1 year old hens were suffering from missing saddle feathers due to overmating by their young rooster, I also used home made hen saddles. Their feathers usually will not grow back until the hens go through their next big molt. Usually that takes place around 18 months old and yearly thereafter.
When my 1 year old hens were suffering from missing saddle feathers due to overmating by their young rooster, I also used home made hen saddles. Their feathers usually will not grow back until the hens go through their next big molt. Usually that takes place around 18 months old and yearly thereafter.
Dang, i wanted not naked hens. Do molts happen during the summer? Or can they since mine haven't melted yet.

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