How to Keep Chickens From being Bored


7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
What all can be added to the coop or run for a nice bout of play time to keep my chickens from being bored? What do they like to interact with?

Thanks in advance. :)
I would toss some blue rubber racket balls in there for them to play with

Also you can try getting a stick pouring honey on it and dipping it in their feed and giving them that to mess with
Thanks for the reply. Is there specifically something about blue they like?

EDIT: Sorry, I have no clue why I asked that. They are almost all blue.
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Mine have a few things in their run which they seem to like.

1. Old Tree Stump........they love pecking it to find insects in the wood, and they also like climbing all over it. Sometimes they like to rest under it for shade.

2. Area of sand.............they like to dust bath in it and scratch about.

3. Old wooden crate...........they love to fly up onto the top...particularly the roosters!

4. An area of to peck at it.

5. They love it after it has stopped raining to paddle in the puddles and scratch about in them!

6. You can hang up a whole cabbage for them to peck at.
You've seen those cages for bird suet in the bird/pet section? I put in stuff to peck - it swings on a string, taking them much time to catch a bite. I stuff in fresh kale, whole carrots, broccoli, cabbage. It's fun for birds, fun for watchers. Sometimes, I just put chunks of cabbage around the area and they peck at it. I distribute chunks around so those lower on the totem pole have a chance to get some and to avoid being pecked away from the food.
You've seen those cages for bird suet in the bird/pet section? I put in stuff to peck - it swings on a string, taking them much time to catch a bite. I stuff in fresh kale, whole carrots, broccoli, cabbage. It's fun for birds, fun for watchers. Sometimes, I just put chunks of cabbage around the area and they peck at it. I distribute chunks around so those lower on the totem pole have a chance to get some and to avoid being pecked away from the food.

So, is it like a hay ball for guinea pigs, just a lot larger? (Trying to get a good mental picture.)

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