How to make BOBWHITES NEST??

Alpine Bobwhite

Feb 10, 2023
We have two Bobwhites in the aviary, a male normal mutation, and a female white mutation.
It would be nice if they could nest this Spring, but we don't know what sort of place they'd like to nest.
We also don't know what sort of nesting material they favour (just straw?).
Are there any other specifications for them?
@007Sean @Nabiki ??
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Bob's in general, will lay their eggs anywhere, they will make their own nest if they are going to raise a clutch.
You say "normal male mutation"? Got a pic? If the female is white how do you know it's a female? Without vent sexing or watching it lay an egg, would be the only way to know, as A&M Bobwhites look the same between male & female.
Bob's in general, will lay their eggs anywhere, they will make their own nest if they are going to raise a clutch.
You say "normal male mutation"? Got a pic? If the female is white how do you know it's a female? Without vent sexing or watching it lay an egg, would be the only way to know, as A&M Bobwhites look the same between male & female.

The white one is a definite female. She has laid eggs in the past and I don't know if it works with all white Bobwhites, but her beak is pinkish with the dark stripe down the top of it. She has also never done the "bob-WHITE" call, and has asked for males to mate her before.

Here's the male (Alpine)

Here's the female (Whitey)

And them roosting together
Ok, when you said a "normal male mutation", I thought it was something else besides a Northern Bobwhite.:D

What sort of nest material do they usually use?? :D There is a small quail hutch that they can hop in and out of if they like and hopefully they'll nest there.
Also, when should they start mating? I haven't seen them do it yet this year, and I'm worrying that Alpine still thinks of his old mates as his mates and won't mate Whitey. Previously Alpine had Maple who was a Mexican Speckled, she died, and then he had Daffy, a normal mutation. Daffy died only a few months ago, and now the only female left is Whitey.
A "normal" Bobwhite is not a mutation, your male is a Northern Bobwhite, not a mutation!
They will make a shallow depression in the soil if in a ground pen. If on wire then a nest box would be needed if you want them to hatch out a clutch. Timothy hay works well for lining a nest box. Most likely they won't start laying till June.
A "normal" Bobwhite is not a mutation, your male is a Northern Bobwhite, not a mutation!
They will make a shallow depression in the soil if in a ground pen. If on wire then a nest box would be needed if you want them to hatch out a clutch. Timothy hay works well for lining a nest box. Most likely they won't start laying till June.

Ok so I guess I'll just see where they want to nest! They'll find it for themselves!
I've always been wondering, but, do bobwhites make nests? As in, carry the straw/hay to a suitable location and make a nest? Thanks as always for all of the information!
Ok so I guess I'll just see where they want to nest! They'll find it for themselves!
I've always been wondering, but, do bobwhites make nests? As in, carry the straw/hay to a suitable location and make a nest? Thanks as always for all of the information!
I have never witnessed any sort of that particular nest building in Bob's.

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