how to monitor 24/7 but no internet.

I'm on this forum and that is about as tech-savvy as I get. How far away is the coop you are trying to surveil? You might be able to run a direct-burial ethernet cable out to there or use a wireless extender.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes and I hope your chickens get unspooked.

Thanks for joining! Welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

We have Blink that go about an acre, maybe closer to two acres. I have motion alerts on some, and like the one in the coop I have off so I can just check in on them. There is a charge per month, but it depends what you buy.

A deer cam would work too, but those that send alerts cost a subscription too to my knowledge. My son researched this for putting deer cams in our woods and that's what he had come up with.
Thank you so much all of you guys. for your kind words. I love this group. Will check out Blink.

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