How to Safely Worm Your Peafowl Orally


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
  • If possible, consult your veterinarian.
  • Do not attempt if you cannot safely and gently carry and restrain your bird.
  • Do not attempt if bird's crop is full of water as aspiration can occur from handling.
  • Do not attempt until you know the difference between the oesophagus and the trachea.
  • Do not do if your bird is molting.

  • Choose your mg/kg of fenbendazole, liquid or paste. I do 50mg/kg

The hole at the back of the tongue is the trachea - Nothing should ever go in there!

  • Get your supplies ready

  • Catch and weigh your bird.

  • Calculate dose and prepare one or more syringes. Please note that this method will work for those who use a 1cc/ml syringe. Anything larger is too big and IMNSHO, not safe!

Please note that I was the one holding the bird and taking the pictures, please use both hands!
  • Hold bird - I like to sit with my thighs parallel to the ground, feet firmly on ground and the bird in my lap. I hold it gently, but firmly and grab the head.

  • Open mouth and wait for bird to relax.

  • Insert syringe - I like to insert from left to right, across the tongue, behind the trachea, into the oesophagus. Again, wait for the bird to relax.

  • Give wormer

  • Repeat in ten days.
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Glad you like it... I would like to make it as safes possible, so any comments on how to make it safe/idiot proof would be great!
That's exactly the sort of comment I'm looking for, and I was planning on using those pictures and the article! I think that is a great article, but I do have one small issue with it... It mentions using a 3cc/ml syringe, but shows them using a 1cc/ml syringe. Just for grins, I tried using the 3, but didn't think I could get it past the opening to the trachea.
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my only question... how is your bird soooo tame? Just stands there and seems so calm!
Just weighed one of my 4 year old wild hens the same way... not sure why they just stand there.
Is that the Safe Guard that is meant to put in the water? Or can it be given Oraly and also mixed in there water?
The liquid pictured (1 liter bottle, same as the 125ml bottle for goats) can be mixed in water, but it might settle and I'm not sure about the paste (not pictured).

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