How to stop Muscovy ducks from bullying each other?

Didn't see any fighting or chasing today! I hope Willoughby will be allowed to eat again and put on some weight.
They're doing well, thanks! Not thrilled with winter, but then again neither am I!
Good to hear they're doing well despite the weather. We've had a break from winter weather this week so my ducks and I have been happier. Still have months of winter to go though...
Didn't see any fighting or chasing today! I hope Willoughby will be allowed to eat again and put on some weight.

Good to hear they're doing well despite the weather. We've had a break from winter weather this week so my ducks and I have been happier. Still have months of winter to go though...
Same here. Everyquack was happy! I don't have the heart to tell them winter will be back with a vengeance in a couple of days...

Great news, glad things appear to be settling down!
Now that they are confined to their coop due to single-digit temps, the aggression is continuing. I was trying to keep them separated but I didn't make that clear to my mom so she let them all out together today. Both of my gray ducks (Willoughby and Winona) now have blood on their bills and faces.

I just remembered that the father of my ducks had a similar temperament. The breeder had to keep him separated because he was mean to the others. Could it be genetic?
I can't keep them separate forever so I'm considering two options right now - either rehome them or build another, larger coop area for them. I don't want to rehome them if I don't have to. I might try to partition my chicken coop so the ducks will have a larger and potentially warmer place to stay during the winter.

These ducks have been such a money pit. :rolleyes: I keep trying to make them happier by buying and building new things for them but they continue to act unhappy.
Genetics can indeed be a part of it. It's one of the reasons I don't keep any animal that shows signs of aggression.

I probably sink more money into my animals in feed and bedding that I get back in eggs and meat. And as I expand, building new enclosures and housing also sucks up a lot of my funds. But, it keeps me happy and gives me a reason to get outside. The other option is to build a barn and move myself and the critters into it! :lau

I hope you're able to find a solution, one way or the other...
The ducks have been moved to their new winter home! I spent all day yesterday building a 10-foot wall (with a door) down the middle of my chicken coop. Now the ducks have an inside space that is over 3X the size of their summer coop. There is still some bickering going on but at least they have some room to get out of each others' way.

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