How to stop pecking/biting problems???

First off, don't mix the oyster shell into their feed, it's meant to be offered in a separate container instead.
Then, stop feeding any treats for a while, and insist that all your birds respect your space at all times. Walk 'through' them, carry a stick or something to extend your reach, and move them out of your way.
Do this first by yourself, maybe with your children watching. After it works for you, start having each child with you doing the same thing. Be calm and persistent. You are the giants who bring food, not to be harassed, ever.
No bird bites me, or jumps on or at me, ever! This gets squelched immediately here.
Also, have enough space for them, and other things to do. Boredom isn't helpful!
I don't have 'production reds' of any sort, and that includes hatchery type RIRs, because I found them to be pushy, pecking beasts. Lots of eggs, though.
So my chickens are 24 week old RIR pullets. At least 10 are laying for sure (got 10 eggs today) but am not experienced enough with butt check to know if all 12 are doing so.

Sorry about the trouble you are having with your chickens. I don't have any suggestions since I am pretty new. I do have a question though. What do you mean by "butt check"?
A seed block, veggie tether and or scattered chicken scratch should "program" them to stop the pecking and use energy elsewhere. Worked for me. Btw for my tether i changed the veggie/fruit from cucumber, to lettuce, to an apple, etc. Healthy and fun!:thumbsup
Chickens hate change or new things so if you have been hand feeding your birds they will expect a hand delivered treat every time that you or your children enter the chicken pen. I highly suspect that your hens are trying to ask you, "WHERE'S THE BEEF?"

We don't hand feed them. We toss treats and such on the ground. I think they think the girls' little fingers look like worms...

As for me, they think my wedding ring is oh so shiny :p
Thank you. This is somewhat helpful. The hen who bites is lowest in the order and gets pecked by the other hens from her group...not the older ones. I think she’s frustrated. I grab her and pick her up and talk quietly to her. She doesn’t try to get away and seems to even like being held...? Then When I put her down she tries to bite my boots again.
If you want to make a chicken a pet, start when it is a chick. Show it love. Carry it. Pet it. Handle it everyday until they respond. Just like you do a dog or a cat. If you never pet or handle your cat or show it love, what behavior can you expect from it????

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