How to tell legitimate puppy ads from scammers and puppy mill ads.

it is often more humane to euthanize than to have a difficult to adopt animal passed from home to home or constantly returned to the shelter. I saw how long it took my dog to settle in to my routine after I adopted her. I can't imagine how it is for these animals that just get passed around.
Well that's one reason I listed anxiety issues. There are some dogs who have separation anxiety so bad, that the person who adopts them ends up with a nightmare life, not to mention the dog is also living in a nightmare.
I'm not talking about unadoptable as in has a behavior issue or some other problem. But dogs that are less desirable because all the locals already have a hound dog so don't want to adopt another one. But the wives of those men would just LOVE a little fluffy lap dog. So all the hounds that come in get put down almost immediately, simply because they are hound dogs. while little foo-foo dogs are brought in from other states at the shelters expense. sometimes they don't even know anything about the dogs and little lap dogs can have as many serious behavior problems as a bigger dog. Or places that have a lot of pit mixes. The locals don't want to pay for a pit, you can get them for $20 in the newspaper every day. But they will pay big $$ for a poodle mix. I agree that "unadoptable" dogs with serious health problems and especially behavior issues should be put down. it's a better use of donations to save 4 dogs instead of just 1. But, those sob stories bring in a lot of publicity and donations so the practice isn't likely to stop.

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