How to transition 6 chicks into a flock of 1 in an Omlet Eglu


In the Brooder
Dec 7, 2023
I'm a bit stuck on how to move 6 Ancona chicks from their inside home to the outdoor Omlet Eglu coop.
I currently have a one year old Brahma hen who has unfortunately due to her friend dying, been on her own for about 6 months. I've hatched some Ancona chicks who are 5 weeks old now. I'm a bit stumped however on what to do! I'm thinking for the next 2-3 weeks using a pet fence outside to give them some time outdoors supervised, to let the Brahma check them out, then bring them back in at night. But beyond that I don't know how to introduce them to the Eglu for full time outdoor living.
Attached are some photos of the Eglu and the baby chicks, who have taken over our spare bathroom. I let the hen free range when we are home to supervise.


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I should add, we don't know if the chicks are hens or roosters yet, but we are only planning on keeping the hens and my friend will take the roosters to her farm. So I'm guessing that we'll end up with a total flock of 4 hens in the Eglu
Please understand, my comments are not meant to be critical, but helpful. We have the same coop you do. We started out with three birds and I can tell you they outgrew the space quickly. That set up with the standard run is not enough space when they are fully grown. Each adult needs at least 10 sq. ft. of space in which to move about. Omlet markets that coop to house 6 adult birds. There is no way it will house that many as they will literally roost on top of each other unless you have all bantams. We have only 3 hens and that's all I am willing to house in that size coop. We added an Omlet enclosed run - they have various sizes available - and attached it to the original 9 foot run, which it appears you have the 9 foot run as well. There needs to be enough space for everyone to get away from each other along with places to hide should anyone fall into victimhood of pecking by another.
In terms of integration, since you only have the one, it should be easier as she will obviously be established at the top in hierarchy. If it were me, I would attach another fenced pen as you mentioned so that you can sit in there with them for observation during integration. You and they will not all fit in that small run together. I would watch them for a couple of weeks to ensure no one is bullied.
Most people here use the see no touch method which requires a separate run or pen next to the current one so they can see each other but not interact. This is not really feasible with limited space.

You may want to consider giving your Brahma free range time while the others are left confined in the run so they get used to being confined in that space and gives the Brahma time away from them each day. They will of course be there when she returns, so more observation to ensure she accepts them.

I would not let the 5 integrated birds free range for at least a few weeks. They need to know their new space is home.

Others might have better suggestions. Best of luck.

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