How would importing birds work?

Gigachad poultry

Rest in peace Eda ~ 2018-2024
Dec 24, 2022
Vicenza IT
Hi, I was wondering if anyone might know how difficult it would be for be to take a pair or trio of fully vaccinated chickens from northern Italy to the US? Would it theoretically be possible for me to find people willing to pay for the import taxes and quarantine costs to get rare birds from Europe to the US?

I'm wondering this because I'll be going across from northern Italy to the US throughout the year and I'd be fully able to use my extra coops in Italy as holding pens before I leave to go to the US a d then basically just take them with me to buyers who'd pick them up when they're done quarantine!

I know some breeders up in Germany, Switzerland, and all throughout Europe who I could get hatching eggs from and raise them at my farm in Italy... And then take them with me when I go back to the US... But I'd this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi, I was wondering if anyone might know how difficult it would be for be to take a pair or trio of fully vaccinated chickens from northern Italy to the US? Would it theoretically be possible for me to find people willing to pay for the import taxes and quarantine costs to get rare birds from Europe to the US?

I'm wondering this because I'll be going across from northern Italy to the US throughout the year and I'd be fully able to use my extra coops in Italy as holding pens before I leave to go to the US a d then basically just take them with me to buyers who'd pick them up when they're done quarantine!

I know some breeders up in Germany, Switzerland, and all throughout Europe who I could get hatching eggs from and raise them at my farm in Italy... And then take them with me when I go back to the US... But I'd this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated!
You might want to try contacting Greenfire Farms as they have experience importing poultry. I believe that it is easier to import hatching eggs than it is to import live poultry.

Importing Live Poultry into the United States

"Other live poultry (not including hatching eggs) must undergo a minimum of 30 days quarantine at a USDA Animal Import Center listed below or a USDA-approved private quarantine facility. For guidance on establishing a private quarantine, visit VS Guidance and Other Documents for Avian Importation."
I want to import new full blood birds from places like Germany to help with the genetic variation and stability of the breeds that are far more rare in America so that inbreeding isn't as common or as severe. There are a lot of breeders who have extremely high quality breeds that I think would really help with the genetic diversity of done of the breeds in America.

I'm going to try raising some chicks this summer that'll be laying by next summer so that I can just import some eggs!
These are a show quality pair of Westfälischen Totleger from a breeder up in Germany I've talked to quite a bit

There's also a golden variant!

I'm fairly certain that they're a close relative of the Ostfriesischen Möwen!
Anything is possible but is it monetarily feasible? To import from EU to USA the birds have to go through quarantine at both ends involving vet and transportation costs. There is also reservation timing at both ends that have to be coordinated. The cost is quite expensive for only a pair of trio, that is why they are normally shipped in quantities. To get my latest rare breed peafowl to my farm I paid well over 10K. If I were you I would look at bringing eggs with you when you fly over.

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