Howdy Everyone. Rich from the great State of Connecticut here!


13 Years
Sep 11, 2010
Western CT
I’ve been keeping chickens for over 40 years, built 3 coops along the way with my current coop being about 35 years old. I learned from the first 2 and incorporated a lot of ideas that have kept my flock(s) safe. I have never lost a bird to a predator! Refurbed the coop this year before getting my new flock. Disinfected and painted the interior coop and fixed/replaced hardware cloth and chicken wire in the run where needed. Hatched 6 Bantams and purchased 6 full sized birds. Waiting for some eggs in the next two months so I don’t have to eat the eggs we purchase at the store. My coop is insulated with a poured rat slab and I just recently added solar powered exhaust fans to keep the girls and boys cool during the hot summer days. I’m in my early 70’s and each time I get a new flock it’s like being a kid again!

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