Howdy from Ryland (Huntsville), Alabama!

I would love to but I dont feel like ive got enough experience with chickens in general yet lol BUT i found my information from a farm blog post, complete with instructions and pictures. Is there somewhere i could post that?
Ir was super helpful
@TwoCrows and @azygous are our resident crop experts so I'd like to see if perhaps one or both of them would check it out and then consider adding it to their articles first though.

Here they are if you wanted to check them out. Twocrows' article. Azygous's article.

If you wouldn't mind, just post your link here. Thank you! :hugs
This is pretty awesome! So very thorough! I'm saving it for sharing in the future should someone positively be in the pickle of having no choice or alternative but surgery. That should be very rare, but we see about a case or two a month here. Some have a vet do it, some don't have that option.

Thank you so much for sharing! ❤️
I found her on fb and thanked her. It saved aussies life!

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