humerus conversations.

Okay, here's a random story, kinda funny, kinda not. I had a houseguest a while back, that some of you are familiar with from a different thread. This is one of those guys that just can't seem to get things right. He has NO common sense, none. I don't say that to be cruel, it's just an unfortunate fact.

One day, he had gone to his fathers' to visit and was supposed to return to bring me to an appointment (my vehicle was in the shop). So he calls and says he's going to warm up his truck and will be on his way. A half an hour later he calls back and says he will be in his step mother's car, not his truck, because his muffler "exploded". I was late, so I didn't question it, just told him to hurry. He eventually pulls into my driveway in his step mother's BRAND SPANKING NEW Toyota something-or-other. It was so new I didn't even recognize the model, but it was really nice. I get in and say "Okay, we need to fly because I'm really late". So he takes that literally and puts the car in reverse and SPEEDS backwards out of my dirt and snow covered driveway and SLAMS into the rock wall that lines it. I hear the hit against a boulder and cringe. He THEN begins to pull forward and backward, repeatedly, the whole time up against the boulder, back and forth.

I can't stand it anymore and yelled "GET OUT! I'LL DO IT!" and he can't even open the driver's door because the boulder is there. So we both climb out, I climb back in, put it in reverse, cut the wheel, and in once swift motion easily back out of the driveway and into the road. All he had to do was cut the wheel!!!!
So I get out and quickly survey the damage. He gouged the heck out of the car, several gouges from the front tire to the back tire, all across the bottom length of the car, from going back and forth against the boulder. I almost died, but again, we're late and there's nothing we can do so we jump back in the car and leave. We get downtown, which is five miles away when he says he "thinks he might need air in the tire". He then pulls into a RITE-AID pharmacy, driving around the lot looking for an air machine. I just look at him and say, "Mike, go to the GAS STATION across the street!!!!" We go over there, and he goes to put air in the tire and sees that the boulder had sliced the tire about and inch and a half and it's completely flat. I looked at him and said, "How did you not feel that it was flat driving here??" He says, "Oh, I knew it was, but I had to wait for a gas station". Now, it's a brand new car and there is of course a spare and all that in the trunk. I said, "You drove FIVE miles on a flat tire, probably bending the rim instead of just pulling over to change it!?!?!" Now I'm really furious; can't believe this.

So the mechanic quickly changes the tire, we get to my appointment, late, and I rush in. On the way home, I had time to calm down and was reviewing it all in my head. It was at that point I asked about his truck. I asked "So how exactly did your muffler "explode" anyway??? He proceeds to explain that the engine was cold and he was trying to start it and so he kept PUMPING the GAS PEDAL before trying to turn it over when it suddenly blew up. I just looked at him dumbfounded. I said, "Mike, you were a mechanic in the Army and you don't know that you can't pump the gas pedal before turning over a FUEL INJECTED engine?!?" He paused, and said, "Well, yeah, I knew that, but it never did that before.

Again, I'm not trying to be mean, but come on! No common sense whatsoever. Of course this story isn't funny to his poor step mothers' brand new car, but I have to laugh a little at the foolishness of it all.
Speaking of "little fat farmers" I was running a grain elevator when I was a young woman and there was a local farmer,John, well-off, proud, kind of crusty but very nice. He and his son, Tom, did most of the farming together, all grain. One day during harvest he came rumbling up the driveway in his grain truck and parked on the scale, hopped out of the truck and stood by to watch me weigh it. The scale arm crashed down when I slid the weight over to where it should have been close to the weight of the truck. "Your scale's broken!" he said loudly. We fiddled around with the thing but it kept weighing light. Finally I walked over and lifted the end gate and... nothing. He had driven an empty truck all the way into town. I looked at him. He looked at me. He softly said, "No need to mention this to Tom." and quietly climbed into his cab and drove off.
GOOD Stories !!!

I've seen some "crazy stuff" associated with automobiles over the years.

One simple story:

A Navajo Indian came to my shop to have a rear bumper straightened and welded (re-inforced).

I fixed it and he paid me.

A month later he came back and wanted me to repair it again FOR FREE.

I looked at it. It was basically "unrepairable"... a twisted, torn, mangled, piece of scrap metal.

I asked him HOW in the World it got so bent-up. He replied that he was hauling firewood off of Crystal Mountain ( a mountain-goat path perhaps suitable for a well-equipped jeep with no load. VERY ROCKY !)

He was IRATE that I would NOT fix it or replace it FOR FREE !
I offered to sell him a "used bumper" for $50.00 plus installation. He wasn't interested in that.

"Don't you "Guarantee" your work?", he asked. I said "Yes, but I don't guarantee dumb drivers!"

He left very unhappy. I lost a customer that I surely DIDN'T NEED !

Ha-Ha !!!

I thought the same thing, here's why

humerus - bone
humorous - funny

I have many funny stories, but that's what happens when your life becomes a joke. So you can either laugh or go crazy. I choose both

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