Humidity high in bator cant get it down


13 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Rigby, Id
Well I just set, lets just say 200 eggs, incubator was running fine for a while and then all the sudden when I checked it the humidity wouldnt go back down. I took the water out of it because I have a pretty humid house and thought that might be the reason but now it still wont go down. It is sitting around 50. Any one have Ideas? I have a Cabinet incubator and I have one of the vents open to try to kick out some humidity and I turned the heat up to compensate but it still wont go down. I open both and it goes up also. I am confused.

How do you folks in the south keep your incubators from getting to much humidity?
I don't have a cabinet yet but 50% is ok. When I cna't get mine down I open the windows a little to let it out. When it gets lower I close the windows a little "smidget" at a time. As long as it stays around 45% and 50% I close the windows completely. With all the rain we've had the past 2 weeks it's pretty humid around here. The duck bator usually has it's windows open a tad. The humidity gets up to 75 and 80% in there. With the windows cracked it stays around 60 and 65%, which is where I prefer it to stay.
What is the level? Also.. if it is already humid in your house it will probably take a while for the level to go down in the bator. You just put them in right? I have had all kinds of goofey things happen during the incubation process... loosing power for 20 hours during last 4 days and still had things turn our good.
Really? I just put a fan in teh window to kick the humidity from my aquarium outside and it went up I garentee it isnt humid where I am would it be better for me to open some windows to create a breeze to let the cooler air in the house? Will the humidity go down in the incubator doing what I did? Taking the water away? I am going to open the windows for sure.
Level of the humidity RIGHT NOW IS 59. Totally confused. Just opened both flaps in the back of the incubator. Everything was fine and looked ready right up until now. I reallydont want to have another hatch with the chicks that are to big to hatch. I have opened my window and put fans blowing out the window to kick some humidity out side is it better to have the fans blowing in or blowing out the window to lower the humidity
am I going to be in trouble when the humidity goes down and run into the same problem when I have to add the water in later
Thats the thing, the vents were open when it was that high. I just got it down to 55. Now I have to work on getting it down to 50 then I want it to be around 45 but would love 37. Ill just keep trying. Please keep any ideas coming as I am a bit of a basket case. With over $400 worth of eggs in my bator. No sleep tonight
If you just set the eggs you should give the incubator at least 24 hours to adjust. I wouldn't mess with the temperature at this point, you might end up frying them all. It should go back down but if it doesn't you can try putting some paper towels (dry) inside the incubator to hopefully 'soak up' some extra humidity.
Ok great idea, thanks for that. I am keeping a very close eye on the temp. as well. I dont trust anything right now. Probably get up hourly tonight to make sure the temp stays down.

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