Humidity suddenly dropped on Hatch Day


Nov 29, 2024
This is my first time hatching eggs, so unsure if I should do anything. I've got 7 silkie eggs, and since lockdown have been keeping humidity between 55-65%. The evening of Day 20, the only egg that had pipped hatched and the humidity spiked to 77%. Fast forward 6 hours overnight to day 21 and humidity dropped to 34%. There are no other external pips, but could this sudden drop shrink wrap them? I immediately increased the humidity
Hi, and welcome to BYC!

Provided no pips and it was a short period of time, that shouldn't bother them.

I hope you have a great hatch! I breed silkies and incubate eggs starting back up in January sometime and can't wait. It's so addicting!
Hi, and welcome to BYC!

Provided no pips and it was a short period of time, that shouldn't bother them.

I hope you have a great hatch! I breed silkies and incubate eggs starting back up in January sometime and can't wait. It's so addicting!
I'd like to ask what humidity do you leave the incubator at before lock down? I've heard both dry and normal but not sure which is best. First time with my silkie eggs too.

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