Humidity too high in incubator

I sort of have the same worry, I have 11 Bielefelders in and it’s day 5. The humidity seems to be high 70%. The vent in this Bator is tiny! is this too high? Should I worry? Haven’t candled yet, just let them set a bit then put them in.
70% humidity is probably too high for day 5. Try to get it under 50%(your ideal number will vary depending on climate and incubator, if you're at high altitude get advice from someone experienced hatching at altitude). Candle them and check the size of the air cells in a couple days. Early incubation is important for moisture loss, you don't want to be having to make up for by running dry late when you can dehydrate the chick and you really don't want to have chicks drowning at hatch because of it.
Thanks! :fl I’ve got it down to 50% now. I think the key to this particular machine is to add very little water! It beeps if it goes below 39%.
I’m not experienced by any means, but from all the reading I’ve done, I can tell you to look for vents on your unit. Look in your unit’s instruction booklet, or online if you don’t have them, and find where they’re located, and open them all the way. It’s harder to lower humidity than raise it. If you’re home is humid, it’s not gonna get much lower than the ambient humidity. Also, if you have any hatched chicks in there, that will raise it...expect that. Don’t remove the chicks though.
With the vents open, your temp control unit should compensate. What is the humidity reading?

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