Hurricane coming - opinions welcome for preps

Ok, I'm trying not to lose it - there's so much to do. I ran to the grocery store this morning and didn't have time to wait in the gas lines so there's still that to do - as I'm expecting to lose power. The last hurricane we were without power for 6 days in triple digit heat, as it is now, heat index is 99 right now.

The feed bag in the crate is a good idea. I'm going to spend the afternoon measuring spaces and moving furniture around to set up the dog pen. Geezo pete! We need a bigger house!!

Take a few big breaths and relax.

I moved to Florida several years ago and understand your anxiety. Take a minute to prioritize. I plan on where my animals will be and get everything ready. Don't move them until I have to.
It's loud under the tarp in a normal rain, I've sat out there with them and since it's under trees, it's doubly loud. I can only imagine the volume inside that small coop with the wind and the rain. It would be super stressful. Grateful you all talked me into bringing them in the house. We can all be freaked out together - animals and people alike. I can't stand these storms, they stress me out. I am not a native.
Let's all hope the power grid holds or that just elevates the stress level. Years ago in a storm, we lost all food in the freezer and fridge and went hungry for about four days. I've learned to have extra bread, peanut butter and canned ravioli on hand.
I keep a tarp over my run year-round, and sure it flaps loudly in weather. But the chickens get used to it. I've been out in the run during storms, and they aren't bothered at all. Seems loud to us, and all flappy, but once they accept it as part of their environment it's not a big deal. Just so you know.

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