Hurt duck


Jun 25, 2024
Hello everyone I have a call duck that is five weeks and hurt its neck pretty sure so it was fine but this happened earlier she was acting fine walking fine doing everything fine well I was looking at our few day old chickens and noticed she wasn’t right I noticed that she couldn’t walk she was flopping on her back not walking everytime she has walked she fell on her back well she’s doing a little better now she’s eating drinking but keeps falling on her back she was pruning herself and can hold her head up but does anyone know what I can do I need to go to sleep soon and scared she’s gonna die from being on her back please help me this has happened before it was a call duck just like her but he ended up not making it shortly after he broke it but she has lasted much longer and he wasn’t able to do nothing
Did she injure her neck in an accident or just suddenly had an issue with her neck. We need to know as treatment will be quite different.
I honestly have no clue one second she was fine and quacking and the next she couldn’t stand she was just flopping but she is doing much better and laying with her sister she is eating and drinking still having a bit of a problem balancing but is moving around

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