I’m confused about my ducks


Nov 8, 2023
Hi, so I’m just gonna cut to the chase. My ducks are not laying and my drake will not mate… they stopped in the winter (which I assume is normal) and then just never started up again. They are not molting. I heard it could be stress and we have had some hawks and eagles but they have a black tarp that covers them. I’m just really confused and I was looking forward to having spring ducklings.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you.
How old are they. Older birds are slower to react to increasing daylight period and; therefore, slower to resume a laying cycle. Hopefully they will start laying soon.
Thank you for responding😃! The hens are one year old and the Drake is two.
does said black tarp cover entire run? maybe they are not getting enough sunlight. i feel your pain out of my 30 ducks i had last year all but 3 quit laying in september. and just started back up a month ago
Thank you for responding and wow I wish I could have 30 ducks!
The tarp is pretty high, so they’re getting lots of sun.


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well best advice i can give you is be patient it will happen soon, three major components to getting eggs is food,sun,stressfree.
your doing a good job just wait for that awesome suprise!
Thank you so much. I was kind of hoping you’d be some magical solution.😂
Update one has just started laying! But not very frequently I get about two eggs every week. :hmm

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