I’m new to BYC and need help.

Blessed Nanie

In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2024
Hi! I have had and loved my layer chickens for 5 years now. I have never vaccinated and haven’t had any problems with diseases…until now. My husband and I added 4 Bantam chicks to our flock. Well, we keep them separate because they are so small. One of them started limping. Her nails are fine and couldn’t see any injuries. She scoots around but can’t walk or fly. Another chick starting laying with her and now it is doing the same thing! Help! Idk what to do. They are not quiet 4 months old
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Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

Sorry to hear about the problems with your bantams. Where did you get them and now long have you had them? I'm hoping it's nothing serious but doesn't sound good.

I would put try giving them a Vit E and scrambled eggs, plus a 1/4 of a B-complex once per day. These would all be human pills you're giving them.

At the least, Poultry Cell in their water for two weeks and see if any of this helps.
My daughter hatched the eggs in her classroom at school and gave them to me. We do have another full size hen, that was also hatched at school and is quarantined. We thought she injured her leg, but now I’m wondering if she has the disease. We feed them an organic crumble chicken starter, and good organic scraps like lettuce, tomatoes, melon, spinach and strawberries. Sometimes chicken wheat and oyster shells.
hello and welcome!

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