I am wondering when my 2 new bantams will start laying?


6 Years
Jul 1, 2015
North Carolina
My Coop
My Coop
I know it is not spring yet, but it has gotten pretty warm here again and my bsl and buff have been laying since December which for some reason they like to lay in 30 degrees F. Anyways I have two 10 month old bantams and I am just curious if they will start laying in March since they came of laying age in the winter months. One is a Partridge Cochin and I think my other is a lavender cuckoo easter egger.
Most chickens start laying at approximately 21-30 weeks of age but temps, light and breed have a lot of impact on this. So the two in the picture are 40 weeks? If so, fingers crossed any day now! The face of the top one is looking nice and red, are they squatting for you yet? How many hours of light do you get right now? It's about 14 degrees F here right now and only my 1st year hen, Wobbles (a Leghorn) has been laying at all....if there aren't close to 16 hours of daylight yet, they may not lay for a while...I have a Banty Cochin and just to warn you, they tend to go broody easily and if that happens she will be constantly in the nest trying to hatch her eggs. Unless you have a Roo, that obviously won't happen, but she will also stop laying. Just a forewarning.
They get a lot of light because last year I opened up an area where the sun hits that area throughout the entire day until it goes down. I do have a silkie too that is two years old and he is somewhat dancing around them
They are beginning to nest in the boxes, but they have been doing that for a few weeks now
I actually would not mind one to go broody, because I would like to hatch some chicks :)
They get a lot of light because last year I opened up an area where the sun hits that area throughout the entire day until it goes down. I do have a silkie too that is two years old and he is somewhat dancing around them They are beginning to nest in the boxes, but they have been doing that for a few weeks now
I actually would not mind one to go broody, because I would like to hatch some chicks :)
What does this mean?
They are sitting in the nests all day and night?
Or just sleeping in them at night?
Or going in and digging around in the nests?

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