I broke them...


Jun 26, 2021
I've successfully owned 30 chickens before who learned to travel and the difference between my home and my then boyfriend's home. Sadly he did not allow me to have any of them and it was unsafe for me to be around him.
Anyways, I finally after 3 or 4 years got replacement chickens as I loved my original 30 dearly.
So I got the 4 from TSC, the silkies are untrusting and the rooster silkie is a bite first(but only if your back is turned or your under 3 years old) ask later personality. My Brahma rooster I swear he's mean to the silkies just so I intervene and carry him around. (I intervened with my original 30) *I* was top rooster.
I have their coop inside my home like an inside/outside animal (same as the original 30).
One day when they were younger (think they had just gotten feathers) it down poured and I felt bad for them, mainly the silkies cause they looked like drowned rats. So the next time it rained I went outside and chased/carried them onto my porch where it was dry trying to teach (yes they are teachable to a degree) them they can stay dry. Once day they refused to go out and I assumed they knew rain was coming, no big deal okay little ones chill here in the house. Light on, off I go about my day running after my grandsons.
Now they flat out refuse to go outside. What's worse is they huddle by my bed in the dark. I have a camera so I can see movement in the house and while I thought the Brahma was being mean outside therefore the silkies wanted to stay indoors but the Brahma is indoors with them being no meaner than his morning and evening feistiness when he was outside with them. The silkie hen I get why she is hiding, 2 horny teenagers and she just don't wanna yet. But the silkie rooster? No clue, he's still bigger than the Brahma. The silkies would prefer to stay huddled by my bed in the dark...
The silkie hen is partial to my partner(of her own choice) and he works 3rd shift. She'll get on the bed and curl up to him when she wants to, the rest of the time she just sits on the floor by the bed.
Any hope they'll want to go outside when winter hits as it's so bloody hot outside right now. I've even left the AC off and door open hoping they would go outside, they did not.
How many roosters and hens do you have? If you have too many roosters and not enough hens they might be hurting the hens especially if you have a huge Brahma rooster and just tiny silkie hens. Not sure if that was what you were asking though.
You are sleeping with the chickens? Is this a troll? How can you possibly keep that clean enough?

This could be very hard on your health with the dander and poop they produce, and it could be very hard on the chickens health, chickens need to be outside in fresh air and sunshine.

I think that you need to make some decisions for your birds, if they fight, it is better to separate them in different coops and runs.

Mrs K

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