I could just stand here and watch them all day...


Jun 21, 2023
New England
I don't think I expected to be quite this obsessed with my first chicks! The coop finally got finished earlier this week (it has electricity - yay!), so they went out at two weeks old with their heating plate. I used the heat lamp for the first two nights because it was in the low 50s (maybe overkill, but they had plenty of room to get away from it if they wanted), but it's been off since then, and I think they won't need it anymore even if it does get a little chilly again.

The coop is 8x8, with two 8 foot long 2x4s for roosting eventually (one tiny brave baby got all the way up there this morning!), and a 2 foot wide ladder/perch for learning to get up there, or for older ladies eventually. I've been adding things for them to play and climb and roost on, and I seriously waste waaaay too much time just hanging out watching them be hilarious. Does this fascination fade? Do you eventually go back to getting things done instead of hanging out with your chicks? ;)


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I don't think I expected to be quite this obsessed with my first chicks! The coop finally got finished earlier this week (it has electricity - yay!), so they went out at two weeks old with their heating plate. I used the heat lamp for the first two nights because it was in the low 50s (maybe overkill, but they had plenty of room to get away from it if they wanted), but it's been off since then, and I think they won't need it anymore even if it does get a little chilly again.

The coop is 8x8, with two 8 foot long 2x4s for roosting eventually (one tiny brave baby got all the way up there this morning!), and a 2 foot wide ladder/perch for learning to get up there, or for older ladies eventually. I've been adding things for them to play and climb and roost on, and I seriously waste waaaay too much time just hanging out watching them be hilarious. Does this fascination fade? Do you eventually go back to getting things done instead of hanging out with your chicks? ;)
It absolutely DOES NOT fade :lau I have multiple ages in my flock, 3yr olds, 2 yr olds, 1 yr olds, 8 week olds, 5 week olds, and I could stand out there sweating like a freak in 100 degrees and just watch them. Even when they are grown they will entertain you, and then of course you'll come down with a severe case of chicken math (no cure btw) and get a few more chicks, and the cycle will repeat. Enjoy your littles while they're little, they grow up so fast!
I don't think I expected to be quite this obsessed with my first chicks! The coop finally got finished earlier this week (it has electricity - yay!), so they went out at two weeks old with their heating plate. I used the heat lamp for the first two nights because it was in the low 50s (maybe overkill, but they had plenty of room to get away from it if they wanted), but it's been off since then, and I think they won't need it anymore even if it does get a little chilly again.

The coop is 8x8, with two 8 foot long 2x4s for roosting eventually (one tiny brave baby got all the way up there this morning!), and a 2 foot wide ladder/perch for learning to get up there, or for older ladies eventually. I've been adding things for them to play and climb and roost on, and I seriously waste waaaay too much time just hanging out watching them be hilarious. Does this fascination fade? Do you eventually go back to getting things done instead of hanging out with your chicks? ;)
Nope. Not faded for me. I have a chair in the run so I can just hang out and watch them.
My older hens often hang out with me. Sometimes they nap on my feet and it wouldn’t do to disturb them would it!
So yes. Plan for the bulk of your time being chicken focused from now on.
There are worse ways to spend time!
No! I’m still fascinated and my oldest chicks are a year and 1/2 now! Thing is…they had baby chicks this spring - The grand-babies!!! I’m always obsessed. I have 5 cameras now in my backyard & coops for days that I have to away for while… LOL!😉
Cameras are my next step! Lol, poor spouse is wondering what has happened to his practical, logical, sensible wife!
Cameras are my next step! Lol, poor spouse is wondering what has happened to his practical, logical, sensible wife!
Yeah, she's gone...just think invasion of the body snatchers...she's been replaced by a crazy chicken lady :lau Just wait till you start going on and on about all the projects you want to do for the chickens, and what the chickens did today, the expression on his face will be priceless! Anytime I say "so I was thinking we could do ____ for the chickens" he stops whatever he's doing and gives me this look like seriously, again, lmao
Nope. Not faded for me. I have a chair in the run so I can just hang out and watch them.
List to take with me to the run:
Chickie snack (of course!)
Beverage for me
Kindle reader
Cell phone

1. Give the chickens the chickie snack.
2. Sit in chair, set drink and Kindle down on table next to chair.
3. Stormy jumps up in my lap, eats some greens from my hand, jumps down when she's done.
4. Pull out cell phone, take pictures.
5. Edit pictures, text them to chicken friends.
6. Text at length with chicken friends.
7. Get text from hubby that it's dinner time.
8. Forget drink and Kindle in the run.
9. Use "I have to get my Kindle or they'll poop on it!" as an excuse to go back out into the run.
List to take with me to the run:
Chickie snack (of course!)
Beverage for me
Kindle reader
Cell phone

1. Give the chickens the chickie snack.
2. Sit in chair, set drink and Kindle down on table next to chair.
3. Stormy jumps up in my lap, eats some greens from my hand, jumps down when she's done.
4. Pull out cell phone, take pictures.
5. Edit pictures, text them to chicken friends.
6. Text at length with chicken friends.
7. Get text from hubby that it's dinner time.
8. Forget drink and Kindle in the run.
9. Use "I have to get my Kindle or they'll poop on it!" as an excuse to go back out into the run.
All events portrayed are true and not edited for the public🤣❤️

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