I dont know what is wrong, sick/weak pullet


Jan 23, 2024
I have a 19 week old red sex link who is sick/weak like.

This is about day 3/4, on Sunday 6/30, I noticed that her comb was a bit pale and she seemed to be laying down a bit more then usual, I assumed it was the heat (we have been having upper 90s- low 100s F), Monday she was acting the same and was trying to separate herself from the rest of the flock, she was also sluggish/moving slower then normal. Tuesday morning I started treating with Corid. This morning she had got on the nest and after almost 2 hours she finally got off and when I went and checked for an egg, there was no egg but beside the nest box was a very light yellow substance (it looked as if it was the contents of an egg all mixed, kind of like a raw scrambled egg). Since then she has gotten worse and is acting weak, either standing or laying in 1 place. She is currently laying down and it's like she's having trouble keeping her eyes open. Today she has also been refusing food but is drinking the Corid water.

The reason I treated with Corid is because Saturday morning I notice one of my small chicks had bloody stools, even though there has been no direct contact between the younger chicks and the older chicks, I went ahead and started treatment when my older chick started getting sick and I couldn't find any other cause. I have checked for lice and mites to rule that out as well.

She lives in an off ground coop, pine shavings for bedding. She is the only one that is sick/weak.

She is a new layer, she has been laying for just under 2 weeks, but has only laid like 2 or 3 eggs, her last egg was on Friday (I'm not sure if it's related or not).

Aside from my chick having bloody stools, this is the first time with a sick chicken. I have no idea what is wrong or what to do. If possible I'd prefer to treat her myself. I'm not sure what other information I may need to give.
Hi! I would dose with calcium citrate, twice a day for a week. Can you post the picture.of what she laid?
Would it be safe to give her that while she is on Corid water?

I didn't get a picture of it, I didn't even think to get a picture, I just wanted to hurry and get it cleaned up before it started attracting flies or started stinking. It looked like an egg that has been mixed before cooking, it had the same consistency of an egg, and it had some parts that was the egg white.
Hi! I would dose with calcium citrate, twice a day for a week. Can you post the picture.of what she laid?
I couldn't find calcium citrate anywhere in town yesterday, and it's about an hours drive to go to any big store, I'll be going today to try and find it. She's doing worse today then she has been.

Last night when then went in the coop, she usually is on the top roost, but she ended up sleeping on the bottom roost. This morning when I opened the coop, she stayed inside and got on the top roost and stood in the same spot for about 3 hours, then she eventually got down and laid on the coop floor with her eyes closed. Her comb and wattles are more pale then they have been.

Yesterday afternoon I did give her an Epsom salt soak for about 20 minutes and as soon as I set her down on the ground she pooped, but it was like water but yellow. I couldn't get a picture because it immediately soaked into the ground, but it was just straight yellow water.

I have been debating taking her inside of the house in hopes that it will help her relax and maybe help her. I just have concerns about taking her in a cooler area from an area that is 20+ degrees warmer, and I don't know if that will stress her out or if her being in a cooler area will put more stress on her. That and I don't know how big of an area she will need, I have a really big tote (the biggest I was able to find in a store) I worry that may not be big enough for her to move around much, and worry that will add stress to her as well.
Calcium has nothing to do with Corid (which is a thiamine inhibitor) so I would imagine it's fine to give them both at the same time.

Overall not sure what's going on with her so not sure what to suggest that hasn't already been suggested.
Your local grocery store or drug store doesn't have a vitamin section? Use calcium supplements intended for humans.
Calcium has nothing to do with Corid (which is a thiamine inhibitor) so I would imagine it's fine to give them both at the same time.

Overall not sure what's going on with her so not sure what to suggest that hasn't already been suggested.
Your local grocery store or drug store doesn't have a vitamin section? Use calcium supplements intended for humans.
I live in a very rural area, the town barely has a population of 800.

But I am pretty sure I figured it out. She has worms. Whenever I got back from buying calcium citrate, I immediately went to check on her, noticed she had yellow poop on her back end, I was trying to clean it off and found a flat white worm, it was probably about an inch long or so. I have been looking up pictures, and pretty sure it was a tape worm.

Any recommendations on a fast working dewormer?
Safeguard works on roundworms but mixed results from a preliminary search on here against tapeworm. Looks like the recommendation for tapeworm is a wormer with praziquantel: https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...-them-warning-pictures.1623677/#post-27736875
I went to my local store, all they had was safeguard for goats. I won't be able to go out of town again until Sat or Sunday. Do you think the safeguard will be ok? I'm thinking I may have to order that other stuff, and it likely wouldn't be here until next week. At this point I don't think she has the time to wait until next week.

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