I Got Backyard Chickens (Sort of...)


🦆 Life is better with birds 🐔
May 23, 2022
Before I talk about the chickens, allow me to explain.

My journey started on an airplane.


An airplane to Rome, Italy, to be exact.


Basically, here was the plan:
Stay in Rome for a few days, which was absolutely amazing, but I can tell you there were no chickens.
Then, yesterday, we made the six hour drive down to our house, where we will stay for about a month.
Now, here's the thing.
Family that lives across the street has been taking care of the house since no one occupies it.
Chickens were never part of our plan. We're going to stay in a farm for two nights, but I thought that would be my only taste of poultry.
I was wrong.
When we were exploring the backyard yesterday, I noticed, to my surprise, chickens in a little, dirty coop.

Turns out my family have been keeping chickens in our backyard. Why they're in our backyard and not in my family's, who lives directly across the street? I can't say. But hey, I'm not complaining! We've got backyard chickens for a month!

(I'm not very happy with the coop they're in, but even though they're in my backyard, they belong to my family, so unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. :()


How funny. Yes, they do need more room than that, but the airflow looks great 😄. Where do they lay eggs?
They have a laybox in the back: (which also acts as their only 'perch'. :hmm)

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