I had my first heart attack at 37 (figuratively)

In Oklahoma onced your 16 and have a valid drivers Licsence you dont have to have a anybody 18 with you. I used to drive myself to school every day. But now I think it would be a good ideal to make kids wait till they get their high school diploma before their elligable for their drivers licsence. Maybe a permit if they got a job or was working on a farm.
Oops, sorry. That was Section Section 12814.6(b)(2)(D) of the California Vehicle Code passed by the legislatures of California and signed by the Governator himself.
you know what
this entire driving thing is a bit much for me
my husband said that OK is a ranch state
thats why
his specialty if appellate law
and estate planning
and tax law
he also does some contract law
*sigh* Have two boys who put me through the driving thing. During the break-in period:
They always must call. I don't care what the law says MOM says you can't be with any one but (who I approve). If you don't get A's and B's you can't drive, take the school bus and I'll drive you to work.
Still, we went on a trip to my sister's leaving DS with strict strict rules (nobody in the car but you or your brother, no route other than direct to school and work, etc) and what happens but the dreaded phone call "Dad, I'm fine but...." (he broke every rule and then some I didn't think of). Let's just say he learnt his lesson. And was made an example to all.
Hope you're not attached to the car they drive.
This is how we earn our gray hairs.
Laws for newly licensed drivers vary by state. Nh doesn't require an adult (18) in the car but there are a few restrictions.
That being said back to original topic.

The stress and fears of being a parent of a new driver. What is a joyous time for the child is a frightening time for parents. When my ds got his license I was happy for him and a nervous wreck.We set time limits and gave "come right back" orders. We also required check in calls. There was alot of finger crossing, hoping and praying. It does get easier. He is now 21 and just moved further away. His commute is on a dangerous road and honestly....I HATE IT! I told him this wasn't fun and to move back closer to home/work. So being a parent never ends you always worry.
I completely agree. I just don't think they are mature enough at the age of 16. Well, I would say some are, but very few. I think there is too much peer pressure and once they get to drive, it is really a lot of peer pressure for them. Racing, drinking and driving, driving carelessly because they are trying to impress friends.

My 14 yr old was talking this morning about getting a motorcycle license when he is old enough, so he can take himself to school, I'm thinking NOT......

I live in a small town, and we have enough Adults not insured and no license driving already.

My 19 year old Step daughter has no license, can't even pass the written test. She was driving, was hit by another car, and she is going to sue them, well hello, where is her punishment for driving without a license? She didn't even get a ticket that I can find. (By the way, she doesn't live with us, or this would have never happened)

I vote 18!
Every state has different laws regarding driver's licenses and restrictions on people under 18 or 21 (even that varies).

As for the comment about the driver using a cell phone being illegal, I do not believe the intent was for the youngster to call home while driving, but rather to call and say "we're here," and possible to call back later saying "ok, we're heading home now, should be there in XX minutes." Also, when the call doesn't come, she can call him, saying "where are you?" If he's driving, it is his responsibility to not answer, but since the sibling was present, is there a reason the sibling couldn't have answered?
My friends father was almost killed on xmas day because of a lady doing a u turn on her cell phone. You don't want my comment on it, so i will stay quiet
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I do not think ANYONE advocated the driver calling or talking on a cell phone while driving. I certainly did not. In fact I specifically said as much.

But driving to the store, parking the car and THEN calling will not cause a traffic accident. Nor is a passenger making or accepting a call likely to cause an accident--certainly no more so than conversation or listening to the radio.

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