I had no idea it would be this bad...

might as well give up! You will always want more and more..LOL I Started with 2 1 roo and 1 hen Now. I have 18!! ..LOL and still adding more..LOL it never gets easier..I break my budget in buying feed but I never complain...
There once was a time when I said I will only have 1 chicken then I uped it to I will only have 2 chickens they I PROMISED my husband that we would NEVER have more than 10 chickens...... then I fell in LOVE with the quail. now I have about 30 of them and about 30 in the bator.... plus I just set about 28 ee/cuckoo eggs..... I have 9 chickens in the barn and 6 babies in the brooder.... you do the math that is allot more than 10 chicks.....plus I just bought a sportsman 1502 incubator. no I am not hatch-a-holic......or is that denial?

its CRAZY addictive...... any all my craziness started with me watching two buttons over xmas break...... one died (he was about 4 years old).....I wanted to replace him!!!!
My hubby has seen the threads and he says you people are enablers!! He says I am NOT to order any chicks until we move to PA. However, he did say, and I quote, "Once we get up there you can have all the chickens you want".

*rubbing hands together maniacally* Little does he know, little does he know........
:)Oh yeah, it's addictive.
I started with 3, then 12 more, then it got to over 100 at one point of all different ages and luckily I sold most and am now back down to 32 but spring is coming...it's coming...it's coming...and those feed stores and pet stores are getting chicks in...and the 5th grade teacher at my daughter's school is hatching my eggs in my incubator as a class science project, so there's more babies for me to have! AHHHHHHHH! Chicks chicks everywhere!
I've only had chicks for 2 weeks and i'm thinking about buying the lot across the street and turning the whole thing into a coop and chicken yard. HELP.....
Oh that's not too bad. I've got 11 chicks, had them for only 4 days and I'm already try to figure out a way to get more. I know I can't afford a bigger coop this year, but wait till next year. I may just forgo the whole garden plan and do the back yard in chickens and my dogs (can't forget them). I forgot how much I've loved watching the chickens run around the yard when I was a kid. I really hope I don't have a roo in my batch though, there's not suppose to be one.
I have 6 turken chicks, 4 polish chicks, 10 orpington chicks and a RIRx

I have 4 RIRx to hatch by friday, 27 BBS orps to hatch in the next week or so and 4 blue orp to hatch by the 12.

I won 10 blue orp eggs from VA yesterday and another 15 from AZ tonight (thanks teresa!).

Oh and I have a bid on 1/2 doz or so silver laced polish by the end of next week....

Hey, he only said I couldn't buy any chicks! tee hee;) These are EGGS!
My name is crzychicken and I'm addicted to baby chicks
Welcome to the madness

I started with 5 soon after I had 31 and I just order 30 more that are coming in May I can't stop this fuzzy butt madness


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