I hatched a supermarket quail egg! Help!


5 Years
May 18, 2019
Northern Florida
Earlier this season my sisters cat tore down several nests and found 2 eggs, but lost them since had no idea about hatching.
So in prep for next year just in case wanted to learn how to hatch and practiced on a carton of 12 quail eggs from grocery store. After proper technique followed by much internet readings using a Little Giant incubator on day 17 one egg hatched. I made a simple light heated brooder and the little quail chick looks fine, but it has been exactly 24 hrs since birth. Vent is a bit wet from time to time and watching closely and cleaning at first sign. Stuck beak tip into warm water and reluctantly does take it, but very very little. Since there is only small bags of chicken starter food around here I got a bag of that, but nothing, No self eat or drink.
It appears sad and alone in brooder which is a bit smaller than the usual due to only one bird. Bird does better to be held, making me the brooder hen, so that is mostly what I have done. It peeps, opens eyes and stands, but all wants to do is sleep, sleep, sleep.
I've read and understand that still can get nurishment from yolk and although I cannot see thru the thick abdominal feathers for yellow looking color, I can see and feel what seems a soft pouch and where umbilical cord was. Reading has said bird can go for about 3 days living off the yolk.
Have been here learning, but just joined today.
Here are some pics at 1 day old
I roll up a sock and place it in the brooder as a 'snuggle buddy'. Put your water & food on cooler side of your brooder, and sprinkle some food around on the paper covered floor of your brooder and as NanaKat suggested, tap your finger at the food crumbs to draw attention. Congratulations on your successful hatch. You can expect it to want to sleep a lot this first 24 hours, it was a lot like work for it to escape its shell. Judging from your descriptions and your beautiful pictures, your quail appears to be healthy :celebrate
The chick will need fed before 3 days. Two feeds I would recommend:
  • Purina Game Bird Startena: comes in 50 lb bags, probably more than you could use with only one chick, but it's the highest protein feed I've found pre-mixed at 30%
  • ManaPro Gamebird/Showbird: 24% feed in much smaller bags—chick might not grow as fast as on a higher protein, but it won't hurt it
I live in a third-world nation and "good" food for quail is hard to come by. The BEST that I can get is 21% protein... so... I supplement with ground up dry cat food sometimes as it weighs in at 30% protein... other times I offer mashed up hard boiled eggs, also exceptionally high in protein. I switch up because I don't know if something might be overdoing it in the catfood for the quail, and I'd rather mix it up to allow any excess vitamins etc work their way out. Just chiming in, with a couple of alternate methods of increasing protein in case OP doesn't have access to the 'good stuff'.

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