I hate Hate HATE 'possums

heck yes possums kill chickens! the one i was serving up on that shovel was making it's way to one of the coops in midday.
so i whacked it with a coal shovel.

i'd do like awtandrocks and shoosted them, but i'm not allowed to wield a firearm since i have seizures. so, i wield a coal shovel! (and dang it, i'm pretty dang good with a shoosting stick!)

at some point i promised a byc'er that the next possum i got that i would cook it and serve it. well, i caught one in a live trap, but Rick wouldn't let me cook it because the maggots got it first. next one though, i am SOOOOO skinning that bad boy!

and thank you Beekissed for the covergirl compliment, although, i must say, i think i look more like a wild woman of Borneo in that shot i think!

Boyd has seen the 'real MJ' and can attest that i am a little psycho in real life as well....
but i make a mean cranberry cherry pie! oh, Joe Bryant has met me too! he's a crack up! he's seen 'THE SHOVEL'!!!!
You know, I would have been fine with possums IF the first time I met one I did not catch it in the act of trying to eat one of my chickens and It did not corner me.

I want to go Opossum hunting... I have to admit their fur is pretty, and the possum population is too big and needs to be controlled.
MJ, I have seen the wild you..... and it only points out the fact that you are a covergirl, and a force of nature all wrapped in one package.
i gave Boyd ten bucks to say that and another cranberry cherry pie!
Boyd's the real force of nature folks. you should see him catch a rogue quail.

um, i am so wanting that hat! that is HI-LAR-EEEEE-US. i dig the fact that the eyes are out.

and the guy wearing it, check his face. the expression is fabulous. FAB. he's like, "yeah, this is my free TNB shirt and possum hat. you wanna go? do you?? DO YOU??? step up then, brah! let's go!" or maybe he is gonna laugh because it's too funny. or he ate it for lunch and is gonna throw up a major belch. it's hard to tell really.....

i want that hat!

it is.

Plate 34: Photo of human derived contribution to the stratigraphy of the Holocene revealed on an asphalt horizon, or just another vermin crossing (over).

Prefer to hit them with lead.
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When I was growing up, we had some chicken fatalities that consisted of birds being eaten while on the roosts. They just had their breast meat eaten off....looked like they were eaten while still alive because they were still sitting peacefully on the roosts, dead.

Caught the biggest possum ever in the act of committing this atrocity! It was so big that Dad skinned him out to show other people the hide.

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