I hate small town politics!!


I am letting DH know that I love him very much, am very proud of him, but otherwise leaving him be. I know he'll come through this fine, he's a stong man.
YUP! If I were able to retire early and get my full benefits, I would retire my stubborn ways and take the out while I can! Why go through all the stress to prove a point?
you poor thing, going thru all this.... tough when it comes to retirement. my father had to retire a year earlier, or he would have lost alot of money. craziness these places of work can be. hugging you thru the computer.....hope all works out in the end for both of you.
From what you were saying sounds like the real "Important" people in your town value him as the hero he is. Probably the higher ups are just jealous of the good relationship he has with his town.
I have to admit(don't tell him this) I would have to retire on my terms too. Doesn't anybody in this world respect a person like this anymore? How many people will be at the same job 30 years from now?
Tell him I said Thank You for 30 years protecting the good people in our great country.
YUP! If I were able to retire early and get my full benefits, I would retire my stubborn ways and take the out while I can! Why go through all the stress to prove a point?

That's my feelings, exactly.
Back in the 80s DH was a very strong, very healthy young man. On the way to the funeral of a state trooper killed in the line of duty; DH was in the third patrol car in the procession. A drunk truck driver jack-knifed his truck, causing the trailer to strike a patrol car and decapitate the four officers in that car. It happened right in front of DH. DH immediately put himself in charge of caring for the wives of those officers (who were also in the procession, further back), including one wife that was pregnant and went into premature labor the next day. That night DH was put on blood pressure pills after he nearly stroked out. He remains on BP pills to this day. Every bit of stress from the job since then has aged DH way beyond his 55 years.
I just want to see him out from under all that stress before it kills him.
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles gritsar. I had the same problem. Had to have my attorney threaten the vice mayor with an extortion charge and a PPO for having his wife come into my house trying to pressure me to give my horse to their 40+ year old daughter. Idiotic, I know.
Small towns in America are very…unique in their ways.
Ooooohhhh...I'd be as mad as, well, as a wet hen! I'm really sorry you both are going through this. If he wants to stay (and I get the whole 30 years on the force goal), then I'm thinking an attorney might unfortunately be in order. You know, sometimes just getting a letter on attorney letterhead will get them to back down. Alternatively, perhaps write an open letter about this to the editor in the local newspaper. Sounds like he's definitely got supporters, and that would be one way to get this out in the open.
And if he wants to leave (heck, I would - more time for chickens!), then now would be the perfect opportunity - and maybe still write that letter to the editor.
So sorry about all of this -
DH just told me that he is going to submit the paperwork to retire as of November 1st! The paperwork has to be submitted 30 days in advance. He will submit October 1st, after he's had time to gather up the necessary paperwork.
grits I live in a town of under 4000. We have a small police force. A few months ago we lost our best officer due to the way the city decided to do their budget. He was a sergant and they decided to give him a "promotion". Yeah the promotion was being on call 24/7 with zero pay raise take it or leave it. He left it. He was snapped up by another town almost immediately. Last week we had 4 businesses broken into and the week before it 2. In the same paper telling about the robberies there was an article that the city (I guess the city counsel) voted a tax increase that gave themselves a 5% pay raise, hiring someone for human resources, a city worker and 1 1/2 police officers. Just what is 1/2 an officer? They had a great cop and let him slip away while they tax us for a raise that is unfathomable. It just makes zero sense.

I hope your hubby retires and tells them to stick it. Count up all his sick days, take them and hand in his retirement letter so he doesn't have to go back when his sick days are gone.

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