I have a favor to ask.. (I want your photos!)

Curious Ruby🐓❤️
Here are some of mine! I know I gave you a lot but pick the one you are most comfortable drawing. I would love for you to draw Nugget though. Can you post the picture of the art when you finish here or PM me a picture of it?
Soldier the Cochin Bantam Cockerel:

Little Big Shot the Cochin Bantam rooster:

Chipmunk the OEGB cockerel:


Nugget the Golden Laced Sebright pullet:

The Ladies of flock 1 - Cochin Bantam Hens:

The Ladies of Flock 2 (and a chick, it was one of them as a baby) - Cochin Bantam Pullets:

Tall star the Cat, Mixed breed?

I love to draw/paint and I like base my work on real pictures.
What I'm asking of you is pictures of you/your animals/you and your animals/anything else.

If I use one of your photos (and there is a very good chance I will)
I will post a picture of it here and tag you.
And if you want I will have it shipped to you
(I cover all cost and the drawing/painting is free). If you don't live in the US I may not be able to get it to you but I will still try. All you have to do is dm me.

The only catch is it may be a while before your drawing is done. I have extremely high standards for my work and it takes time to get everything perfect. I've spent 31 hours on a drawing before (broken up of course) and I have no doubt I will go over that someday. You are more than welcome to dm me for updates but please be patient with me.

I also sell my drawings and paintings so if you don't want your drawing/painting sold but can't or won't have it shipped to you, please let me know and I will make sure it is not sold.

If you want a name on the drawing or painting please dm me

Now, please post some pictures for me to use, and thank you!!​


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Here's some of mine for you to draw! You can pick one to draw.
These are the hookbills. They don't have names.

this is Freya as a puppy

This is Pierre my favorite drake. He got taken by a raccoon.
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Magnus, the world's cutest bunny

And beautiful Tomâs turkey.
Howdy everyone, I hope y’all are doing well and having a great week.

I have some sad news, as some of you already know I was diagnosed with cancer at Christmas last year, and now I’m starting to deal with side effects from the treatments. One of which is neuropathy in my hands and feet, as a result of this I can no longer draw or paint very well. I cannot say how sorry I am about this, I am working with my doctors to try and fix this, but I have no idea when I’ll be able to draw and paint again. Once again I am sorry to all of you. As soon as I can draw again I will be working on all these pictures. Thanks to all of you for your patience. And I’m extremely sorry this happened like this. I hope I can draw again soon and finish all these pictures.​
Howdy everyone, I hope y’all are doing well and having a great week.

I have some sad news, as some of you already know I was diagnosed with cancer at Christmas last year, and now I’m starting to deal with side effects from the treatments. One of which is neuropathy in my hands and feet, as a result of this I can no longer draw or paint very well. I cannot say how sorry I am about this, I am working with my doctors to try and fix this, but I have no idea when I’ll be able to draw and paint again. Once again I am sorry to all of you. As soon as I can draw again I will be working on all these pictures. Thanks to all of you for your patience. And I’m extremely sorry this happened like this. I hope I can draw again soon and finish all these pictures.​
that’s horrible, my mom had cancer and she had the same thing happen. I’m praying for you and hope it goes well with the doctors❤️

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