I have an 11 week old chick with scabs on her tail feathers.

If you are willing to have all of the same breed. A good one for your area are Rhode Island Reds. They tend to be the bullies of a mixed flock but are great among their own kind. They are also one of the most productive breeds. They are the breed that all brown egg commercial chickens evolved from.
There's nothing wrong with a mixed flock as long as they're compatible. It increases variety of personalities, eye candy colors of both feathers and eggs.
I've had over 30 different breeds. I didn't regret it because I learned so much and, in the process, I was able to identify my most favorite breed, runner ups and also rans. It also helped me determine the general characteristics in birds that I most admired.

I believe my black hen is a White face spanish chicken. She is probably the neatest because she's fast, very inquisitive and always watching every move I make. She gets up close and personal. She looks like a raven.


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