I have an injured chick…


In the Brooder
May 18, 2024
Hi everyone! I am hoping someone can help me out figuring out what’s wrong with my chick. She’s 4 weeks old with a bad leg. She gets around just fine but her right leg shakes every now and again and I thought it was a deform at first but today I discovered it’s bleeding :( I have attached a video to show her leg.


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To post your video, you'd need to post it on YouTube and then link it back to here.

Has this chick been walking around fine before?

The first photo looks like that would be hot/infected. I'd soak it in warm Epsom salt water and see if you can tell what that is, as it looks like it's either an old break or injury that's causing inflammation, swelling, and perhaps even infection.

If after soaking, that opens up, I'd treat it with triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin (without the pain relief in it.) I'd wrap gauze and tape it, changing it twice daily to see if it's healing.

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