I have faulty chicks..

Mine are 3&4 wks and 2 weeks almost... They turn their nose up to everything too..... Once they ate grapes.... I tried yogurt and tomatoes last night...it was the biggest mess.... They liked grass roots ok, and they LOVE popcorn..... I tried eggs today, they didn't eat them..... I'm going to wait until they go outside in the run bf I feed them any more people food. Lol. I might try blueberries though bc I have some...
YAY!!! Got them to eat 2 blueberries!! They were running around chasing each other. Maybe my chicks are normal after all, lol
Congrats... Lol.... I left mine blueberries, garlic, yogurt w chick crumbles on top and grapes.... Everything was gone this afternoon when I got home!! I guess mine are normal too.... Yay!!
I tried mashed up boiled egg on my week old chicks--not interested. Then I took a little of my uncooked breakfast oatmeal and put it on a plate. Once they got a taste for that they went crazy. I started putting a little bit of oats on my hand every morning and laying it on the bottom of the brooder. They jump all over my hand trying to get to the oats. Now, every time I reach in to the brooder to clean or feed or water, they run to my hand instead of away from it. This morning I put some boiled egg on my hand instead of the oats. They came over and started eating. At first they seemed disappointed that it wasn't oats, but once they got a taste of the egg they devoured it.
I tried uncooked oatmeal with mine yesterday... They LOVED it!! They liked garlic and blueberries too...might try something new tomorrow... In the mornings they run to my hands... I have 2 BA that are younger than my other 4 and they get left out , so I put feed in both hands this morning so they could get used to me feeding them... It was kind of comical... Lol.

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