I have GOT to get the chix out of my garage!!


12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
Dallas TX
I ahve the 10 chicks(26 days old) in two huge storage bins in the garage . I've rigged up heating for them because of the cold here in Texas. THose chix are sparring & squawking up a storm in there. Every time I turn on the overhead flourescent light they go insane. Please let it warm up soon so they can go outside!!!
Slyster....I know the feeling...I have 19 in my garage...they are 4 weeks old and full of energy. We have to go through the garage every day, many times, to let the dogs in or out. They peep like crazy!! I am hopeing to get them transfered to thier little coop tuesday...or wednesday. THey will have a heat lamp of course...but they NEED to go out! LOL
LOL! My wife has said the same thing about the ones that are still in our house. I am almost done with the outside coop, they should make it out today.
My 24 chickens are 5 weeks old. They have been outside since they were 3 days old. Of course I had 2 heat lamps, adjusting throughout the weeks and depending on the weather. We live in mid-Georgia, and the weather has been sporadic the past few weeks. Last night it got down to 29 or 30 degrees. I lowered the heat lamp (only one now) and draped a blanket over the roosts to help keep the heat in. There are no drafts. There still is a little opening for them to access the open part of the hen house.

Last night I got up about 2:30am and checked to make sure the heat lamp was still on!

This morning when I headed out there, I could see the chickens all running around. They were "none-worse-for-the-wear"!!!! The temp was about 48 degrees under the heat lamp.

It's OK to get them outside!!! Don't keep them cooped up in the garage - they love the fresh air and basking in the sun, even though it's chilly out there.
Man, I couldn't agree more!! But what's really getting me mad
is that it wants to rain often enough that I can't get the coop finished (not to mention getting into the garden to fight the weeds that are loving the rain)..i'm so bummed...
Well, I've got my orders!
I have seven chicks about six weeks old in my shop at the back of our garage. My wife came home the other day and let in on me to move those chickens OUT OF HERE!
The chickens are going out after I rig up the lights for their warmth. She don't know yet, but I have 50 more eggs incubating out in the shop. Wonder if I can pull off another six weeks with them before she realizes?
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As much as i want to get them out of my house I just cant. It has started to SNOW here in Dallas. SNOW!!!!

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