I killed my first predators last night

it had gotten into the chicken feed bucket when the lid wasn't put on all the way.

Coons can open anything... including a jar with a lid. They just unscrew it! They are always getting into our ice chests when we camp out. Now I put the ice chests in the tent with me.​
It's a hard choice to kill. I'm really a live and let live kind of person, but to me it wasn't an option here. DH said he would do it, but I'm actually a better shot and felt I should do it. The last one DH shot he grazed it back end and we had to search for the thing. Found it half dead in the woods the next day and he finished the job. Not pretty. I'll sit out again tonight. The 2nd raccon I'm pretty sure I missed. It was very nervous and jumpy while the other one was very bold.
I know 'possums eat chickens, but could it have been just an innocent in all of this? We used to feed our cats out front and would see a 'possum in among the mix of cats (eating right alongside them) every night 'cause they LOVE cat food! Just a thought...
Me too. I am in the same situation. I never would have considered killing an animal before today. Now my silkie hen is gone and I'm worried about my chicks. I can't let this happen again... you did the right thing and I am going to have to follow your example to protect my pets.
Well, it could have been, or the raccons could ahve been innocent. I don't know which one did it but I wasn't taking any more chances with the babies.
First I would say put away the tempting cat food. If that is what they were after then you are to blame for "inviting" them in. Second as much as some people hate them, predators are magnificent creatures of creation/God. They have a vital role in natures way of things. Third if you love your chickens so much then predator-proof their home. Chickens are helpless creations of ours and it is our responsibility to protect them but not to the extent of exterminating everything else. I have a free range flock and have only lost two or three chickens to predators. That is the price for having a natural and free life. My coop is completely predator proof so they are very safe at night at least. I will however kill any nuisance dog found killing or chasing my flock.

Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I know coyotes are the only predator that are thriving and even overpopulated in some areas. Many other predators are under stress and have been or are close to exctinction. Eagles and peregrines came very close to extinction. Wolves are extinct in most of the lower 48. In my area bobcats are almost unheard of. Even owls are getting rare. Humans pile blame on our native predators yet let loose alien predators such as the huge python which is upsetting the balance of nature in Florida. Cute "pets" such as Pirahana infest some of our rivers now. Enough said. Protect your precious chickens but please don't exterminate everything else!
Well if you insist
. The other chicken predator that comes to mind that is over-populated is the raccoon. I do agree that prevention is the best med., however I also agree with protecting your animals with whatever means you deem nessesary (without torture and being cruel).

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