I love me a scary movie....but....


11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
palestine texas
Last Exorcist........ scared the bejebus out of me! I screamed out loud, cussed and peed my pants. I thought I was a scary movie pro but this one got me good.

Have any of y'all been to see it? What did y'all think?

i love scary movies( zombies especially)

I think its psychological to me that i know it is a movie .. maybe that is the reason i dont get scared.

but even when i know something is going to go bump, slam or bang, the anticipation of it all and when the loud sound finally comes, i do jump. i guess i startle easily.. but i dont scare easily.

i can see some gruesome stuff and im fine. put maggots in someones mouth and im climbing the freaking WALLS!
I have heard that it is terrifying! I get scared easily, so scary movies aren't really my thing. Just remember that it is a movie. The characters are not real. They are actors and actresses who get paid to scare you. If you remember that, you'll be okay.
Turney31: I haven't been scared by a "scary" movie in years, mostly they make me groan. If this new one is that scary, to make you scream, swear and pee your pants??? Now I could get on board with that! I just might go see it now. Although I don't know if I want to see it alone.....maybe I'll hit up one of my friendly neighbors.....neah.

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