I Need Help! Scouring Goat Kid????

That is so awesome! YAY! What I would suggest is, in 20 days, repeat the treatment. Once they are a little older they will develop their own immunity. In the meantime, you can give them a leg up on the world by keeping the coccidia at bay. Again, well done!
I am so happy they're doing great! I second the repeated treatment, keep it from knocking them down again. It seems so many people have had increased problems with both coccidiosis and worms due to the warm, wet fall season and winter.
Goats do not have resistance to parasites and they have digestive tract with extensive surface area. An example is a 700# calf ans 150# can carry same parasite load. Parasites are found from ground level to about 18 inches high on foliage. So if you goats eat no grass and only browse high on brush you have little to no parasite pressure.

Here in east Tennessee if you don't deworm goats. At least every three months you can have losses. Kids need to be dewormed at about 60 days old with something that will get tapes. The small size of their intestines means tapeworms can physically block tract. I use Quest Plus on kids starting at 60 days old and continue once a month until 6 months old.

Kids get treated with Corid at 21 days old as if they had a clinical case of coccidia. They are then eating a feed with a coccidiastat until they freshen as yearling and i start milking them at two weeks fresh.

Scours should always be assessed and treated asap. A scouring goat can die quick! Never use cover up treatments like kaopectate orpepto!
Please ask questions if you need help.

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